Lesson Plans: Adjectives and Adverbs
ESL lesson plans for teachers of the English language. Check out our collection of lesson plans filed under the 'Adjectives and Adverbs' grammar topic.
Adjectives and Adverbs, Page: 1
Showing 1 - 50 of 60 results

Academic English- Adverbs of Certainty and Uncertainty
Academic vocabulary that shows the writer is sure and unsure.

Adjectives (-ing & -ed) Sentence Completion Guessing Game
Completing typical sentences with -ed adjectives and -ing adjectives games.

Adjectives and Animals- Mix and Match
Funny and sensible matches between animals and adjectives book, cards and table activities.

Adjectives Ending -ed and -ing- Poems
Guessing what the poem is describing with bored/ boring, tired/ tiring, etc, then writing similar rhyming paired sentences.

Adjectives for describing festivals discuss and agree
Speaking practice of a wide range of adjectives, including adjective opposites, on the topic of special occasions.

Adjectives for Describing Objects- Opposites Games
Describing things with adjective opposites games, including drawing, TRP, jigsaw tasks and memory games.

Adjectives- Discuss and Agree with -ed & -ing adjectives
Opinions with -ed adjectives and -ing adjectives discussion.

Adverbs of Frequency- Bluffing Card Game
Lying card game to practise sometimes, usually, never, etc.

Adverbs of Frequency- Business Culture
Using adverbs of frequency to describe how companies, industries, countries, etc are different from one another.

Adverbs of Frequency- Describe the Jobs Game
Using adverbs of frequency to describe what people do games.

Adverbs of frequency- good and taboo questions coin game
Normal and strange small talk questions for adverbs of frequency.

Adverbs of Manner- Language Learning
Discussing language learning problems with adverbs describing how you do things.

Animals and adverbs of manner guessing games
Three games to practise adverbs of manner with animal vocabulary

Character Opposites Roleplays
Roleplays to practise personality adjective antonyms, ending with brainstorming opposite pairs.

Character Words- Opposites Card Games
Personality adjective antonyms jigsaw and memory card game, with detailed instructions for teachers.

Describing hobbies with -ed and -ing adjectives
Students play a fun card game, guessing game and personalised speaking game to practise contrasting adjectives ending with -ed and -ing, with useful free time vocabulary.

Describing Jobs with -ed and -ing Adjectives
Students play a fun card game, guessing game and/ or personalised speaking game to practise adjectives ending with -ed and -ing for feelings and properties, with useful jobs vocabulary.

Describing Places- Adjective Word Order
Putting adjectives in the right order before nouns practice as students describe natural and urban places, including useful names of places vocabulary.

Describing Xmas things and people games
Describing Christmas objects and characters with simple language brainstorming and guessing games.

Discussing celebrations with gradable and extreme adjectives
Gradable and ungradable adjectives practice through the topic of seasonal events like Xmas and Halloween, including names of festivals and celebrations, and adverbs with different kinds of adjectives.

Discussing manners with -ed and -ing adjectives
Speaking about what is good manners and bad manners to practise adjectives describing feelings and properties of things, including -ed/ -ing pairs and more irregular word formation.

Feelings Adjectives Sounds Game with Gradable and Extreme Adjectives
Making sounds to represent extreme and gradable feelings adjectives game.

Frequency Expressions- Ranking and Speaking Card Games
More often and less often time expressions presentation and practice card games, including asking questions to get particular adverbs of frequency and similar expressions with numbers.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives Miming Game
TPR practice of gradable and ungradable adjectives, including adverbs with gradable and extreme adjectives, great for young learners and other active classes.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives Reversi Games
Students memorise gradable and ungradable adjectives with a fun card game based on Othello, with versions with gradable/ extreme pairs, antonyms, and adjectives with the same grammar and meaning.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives- Anecdotes Game
Making personal stories more interesting with extreme adjectives speaking, with gradable and ungradable adjectives grammar presentation.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives- Jigsaw Games
Matching gradable and non-gradable adjectives jigsaw activities.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives- Practice Discussion Questions
Students ask, answer and make conversation questions with gradable and ungradable adjectives, plus a gradable adjectives and extreme adjectives grammar presentation.

Gradable and Extreme Adjectives- Speaking Card Game
Students use cards with gradable and ungradable adjective pairs to make conversation questions, match the pairs, add collocations, and test each other on the language - including adverbs with gradable adjectives and extreme adjectives.

Gradable and Ungradable Adjectives Pelmanism
Students practise gradable and extreme adjectives with the card game pairs/ the memory game, first matching by grammar and then matching gradable and ungradable pairs, before trying to remember the words they just used.

Gradable and ungradable adjectives- discuss and agree
Opinions with gradable and extreme adjectives pairs.

I don't get bored: -ing and -ed adjectives story
Adjectives ending in ed and ing practice through a fun story.

New Year Resolutions- Adverbs of Frequency
Future plans for frequency expressions and learning training discussion

Opinions with Gradable and Extreme Adjectives
Gradable and ungradable adjectives and adverbs that go with them practice and presentation through sharing opinions - also useful for opinions phrases practice.

Opposites Miming Games
TPR practice of simple opposites, including very basic ones like yes and no and elementary adjective antonyms.

Opposites- Feelings
A fun truth or dare-style speaking game to practise feelings adjectives with opposite meanings, including suggested personal questions about feelings.

Personality Opposites- Miming Games
Character words TPR practice through doing actions to represent pairs of antonyms, also with personality synonyms and students testing each other on the language in other ways.

Personality Words- Bluffing Game
A fun personalised lying game to practise character adjectives, including personality words with the same and opposite meanings.
Showing 1 - 50 of 60 results