RSS News Feeds for ESL Students and Teachers offers a variety of different newsletters and web feeds (XML/RSS) about the English language, as described below. These make it easy to get information delivered to you in a timely manner.
Web Feeds / XML / RSS
Our feeds are continually updated to ensure you are constantly aware of all the latest teaching discussions here at Our news feeds support RSS 2.0 and XML 1.0 readers. To get an RSS reader, please click here.
Click the feed icons to get access to each feed:
What's New at
An all-in-one newsfeed of the latest English language activities, tools and reference materials for students and teachers which have been added to over the last 28 days.
English Idioms Feed
A feed of the latest English idioms and idiomatic expressions posted to our English Idioms area.
English Phrasal Verb Feed
A feed of the latest English phrasal verbs posted to our English Phrasal Verbs area.
ESL Handouts and Quizzes Feed
Keep up-to-date and get notified whenever there are new Teacher Handouts and Online Quizzes posted to
ESL Forum News
Keeps you updated whenever a new discussion is started in our ESL Forums.