Personality Words- Bluffing Game


A fun personalised lying game to practise character adjectives, including personality words with the same and opposite meanings.

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Personality words bluffing game

with personality adjective synonyms and opposites

Choose one of the personality words below and tell your partner which you chose. Tell a story to illustrate how that is true about your personality, e.g. “I once shouted at a bus driver for being five minutes late” for “Impatient”. If you can’t think of a real story, you can make one up. Your partners will ask questions to find out more about that story and/ or about that aspect of your personality. They will then try to guess if your story is true, and if you are a… person.

  • adaptable/ flexible – unadaptable/ inflexible
  • ambitious – unambitious
  • amusing/ humorous/ funny – serious
  • careful – careless
  • confident – nervous
  • conservative/ traditional – adventurous/ radical
  • creative – uncreative
  • direct – indirect/ diplomatic
  • dynamic/ a self-starter – passive
  • energetic – tired
  • friendly – unfriendly
  • hard working – lazy
  • helpful – unhelpful
  • intelligent/ smart – unintelligent
  • knowledgeable – ignorant
  • moody/ unpredictable
  • motivated/ driven – unmotivated
  • optimistic – pessimistic
  • polite – impolite/ rude
  • positive – negative
  • practical – impractical
  • punctual – unpunctual
  • relaxed – stressed
  • reliable – unreliable
  • shy – outgoing
  • sociable – unsociable
  • strict – easy-going
  • superstitious – unsuperstitious

Ask about any words above which you don’t understand, discussing if that is really your personality and/ or making suitable stories to match that word each time.  

Change groups. Do the same, but this time picking adjectives above for the other person to tell a (true or false) personal story about.

Personality adjectives synonyms and opposites presentation

Without looking above for now, write at least one word in each gaps below.

  • adaptable/ flexible – _______________/ ___________________
  • ambitious – ___________________
  • amusing/ humorous/ funny – __________________
  • careful – ______________________
  • confident – ______________________
  • conservative/ traditional – _________________/ radical
  • creative – _________________________
  • direct – _______________________/ diplomatic
  • _________________/ a self-starter – passive
  • _____________ – tired
  • friendly – __________________
  • hard working – _______________
  • helpful – _________________
  • intelligent/ _______________ - unintelligent
  • ___________________ – ignorant
  • moody/ __________________
  • motivated/ driven – _____________________
  • optimistic – ___________________
  • polite – impolite/ _____________
  • positive – _______________
  • practical – __________________
  • punctual – _________________
  • relaxed – _________________
  • reliable – ___________________
  • ______________ – outgoing
  • sociable – _______________
  • ________________ – easy-going
  • superstitious – _________________

----------------------------------------------cover, fold or cut--------------------------------------------


Mixed answers

Put the words below into the right gaps above and use the suffixes to make opposites.

in…/ un…/ …less                                                     adventurous

dynamic                                                                     energetic

knowledgeable                                                         lazy

negative                                                                     nervous

pessimistic                                                                rude

serious                                                         shy

stressed                                                                     strict


Check above. Other answers are possible, so please check if you wrote something different.

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