Prepositions of Position- Miming Games


Two fun students miming actions with particular positions games, including racing to do the right thing in the right place, and guessing what and where the other person's action is.

By: Alex Case
Level: Beginner
Theme: General
Study Area: Prepositions
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Lesson Plan Content:

Prepositions of position miming games

Instructions for teachers

Play either or both of the games below using sentences like those in the table on the next page. Note that the table probably includes more things than you have in your classroom, more language than your students can think of how to mime and/ or some language that your students won’t know (e.g. some of the prepositions), so you will probably want to edit it down or select carefully from it when you do the miming.


Prepositions of position guess the mimes

The teacher or a student mimes one of the things from the table below, miming the first thing with their body or hands and using real things in the classroom for the second column. If the student can’t read and/ or can’t understand the sentence that they choose, tell them to choose an easier one, whisper the sentence in their ear and/ or demonstrate the mime somewhere that the other students can’t see, e.g. just outside the door. The rest of the class race to shout out and/ or write down the right sentence to explain that thing, if possible without looking at the table below. Perhaps as an extension, you could also get them to race to draw the sentence (e.g. drawing a cup on someone’s head), and then say and/ or write a sentence to describe that thing.  


Prepositions of position miming race

The teacher or a student shouts out, writes up or flashes up a sentence from the table and the rest of the class race to mime that thing as quickly as possible. If you are playing for points, you can give one point for the first correct mime and/ or one point for the best mime. To add speaking, you can then ask the students who get the points and/ or the whole class to describe that mime. 


Possible preposition of position mimes table

object to mime



real object in the classroom

The ball

The book

The bowl

The butterfly

The cat

The church

The cup

The dog

The elephant

The fork

The fox

The rabbit

The scissors

The snake

The spider

The crocodile

The horse

The rhino

The fat man

The house/ The roof

The bird

The helicopter
























by/ next to

in front of




my ear

my head

my knee

my mouth

my shirt

my shoe

my shoulder

my sock

my T-shirt

my trousers

the carpet/ the floor

the chair

the door

the map

the poster

the table

the wall

the whiteboard

the window


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