Country and Nationality Words Drawing Games
Students draw and guess countries and famous things from those countries to practise names of countries and nationality adjectives,
Lesson Plan Content:
Country and nationality words drawing games
Game 1: Country and nationality quiz drawing game
Choose one of the lines on the next page. Draw that thing and maybe hints about the country it comes from until your partner guesses one of the sentences on that line. You can use numbers, symbols etc on your picture, circle things, and cross things out, but you aren’t allowed to write any words or letters.
After the game finishes, ask about anything on the list you don’t understand, drawing that thing each time to show that you understand.
Without looking below, write the country name for each nationality adjective below.
- Danish
- Spanish
- Dutch
- French
- Japanese
- Chinese
- (South) African
- Scottish
- American
- Australian
- Turkish
- Madagascan
- Italian
- Canadian
- German
- Hawaiian
- Finnish
- Mexican
- Indian
- Brazilian
- British
- Greek
- English
Check your answers on the next page.
Famous things to draw
- (Arial) The Little Mermaid is from Denmark./ (Arial) The Little Mermaid is Danish.
- Bullfighting is from Spain./ Bullfighting is Spanish.
- Castanets are from Spain./ Castanets are Spanish.
- Clogs are from the Netherlands./ Clogs are Dutch.
- Croissants are from France./ Croissants are French.
- Doraemon is from Japan./ Doraemon is Japanese.
- Fried rice is from China./ Fried rice in Chinese.
- Giraffes are from Africa./ Giraffes are African.
- Godzilla is from Japan./ Godzilla is Japanese.
- Golf is from Scotland./ Golf is Scottish.
- Jeans are from America/ Jeans are from the US(A)./ Jeans are American.
- Kangaroos are from Australia./ Kangaroos are Australian.
- Karaoke is from Japan./ Karaoke is Japanese.
- Kebabs are from Turkey./ Kebabs are Turkish.
- (Kellogg’s) cornflakes are from America./ (Kellogg’s) cornflakes are American.
- Kendo is from Japan./ Kendo is Japanese.
- Kilts are from Scotland./ Kilts are Scottish.
- Kimonos are from Japan./ Kimonos are Japanese.
- Koalas are from Australia./ Koalas are Australian.
- Lego is from Denmark./ Lego is Danish.
- Lemurs are from Madagascar./ Lemurs are Madagascan.
- Macaroni is from Italy./ Macaroni in Italian.
- Maple syrup is from Canada./ Maple syrup is Canadian.
- Mercedes Benz cars are from Germany./ Mercedes Benz cars are German.
- Moana is from Hawaii./ Moana is Hawaiian.
- Moomins are from Finland./ Moomins are Finnish.
- Nacho(chip)s are from Mexico./ Nacho chip(s) are Mexican.
- Nan (bread) is from India./ Nan (bread) is Indian.
- Noodles are from China./ Noodles are Chinese.
- Pandas are from China./ Pandas are Chinese.
- Pokémon are from Japan./ Pokémon are Japanese.
- Pineapples are from Brazil./ Pineapples are Brazilian.
- Pizza is from Italy./ Pizza is Italian.
- Rugby is from the U(nited) K(ingdom)./ Rugby is British.
- Sandwiches are from the U(nited) K(ingdom)./ Sandwiches are British.
- Soccer is from the U(nited) K(ingdom)./ Soccer is British.
- Spaghetti is from Italy./ Spaghetti is Italian.
- Sumo (wrestling) is from Japan./ Sumo (wrestling) is Japanese.
- Sushi is from Japan./ Sushi is Japanese.
- Tacos are from Mexico./ Tacos are Mexican.
- Tartan is from Scotland./ Tartan is from Scottish.
- Tea is from China./ Tea is Chinese.
- The Olympic(game)s are from Greece./ The Olympic(game)s are Greek.
- Thomas (The Tank Engine) is from England./ Thomas (The Tank Engine) is English.
- Turkeys are from America./ Turkeys are American.
- Winnie the Pooh is from the U(nited) K(ingdom)./ Winnie the Pooh is British.
Game 2: Country words or nationality words pictionary coin game
Secretly flip a coin and draw one of the things in the correct column below, e.g. “The United Kingdom” if you flip heads or “Italian food” if tails (the side with a number) is top. If it’s the country word (= heads), start by drawing the shape of the country. Copy from a map if you need to, but make sure that your partner can’t see the map. If they can’t guess, you can add:
- The national flag
- Pictures and/ or names of the neighbouring countries
- Pictures and/ or names of things in the country (The Eiffel Tower, sumo wrestlers, etc)
If it’s tails, start by drawing the actual thing and then add hints to the country.
Heads |
Tails |
Country |
Nationality |
+ thing |
Australia Thailand Switzerland Spain Japan China Korea United Kingdom/ UK Scotland America/ USA Russia France India Vietnam Indonesia Germany Holland/ The Netherlands Austria Greece Italy Brazil Mexico Canada Egypt South Africa Ireland |
Australian Thai Swiss Spanish Japanese Chinese Korean British Scottish American Russian French Indian Vietnamese Indonesian German Dutch Austrian Greek Italian Brazilian Mexican Canadian Egyptian South African Irish |
(mythical) animal/ monster antiquity/ antique beach book bus/ tram/ train car celebration/ event/ festival (cartoon/ animation) character cheese church/ cathedral/ mosque/ temple clothes dance decoration dessert food gesture hobby house (wo)man/ person martial arts/ fighting mountain musical instrument opera house/ theatre painting palace policeman (writing) script snack sport/ sportsman superhero tower town/ city toy |
Country and nationality presentation
Without looking above for now, try to write the nationality word for each country word below.
Country |
Nationality |
Australia Thailand Switzerland Spain Japan China Korea United Kingdom/ UK Scotland America/ USA Russia France India Vietnam Indonesia Germany Holland/ The Netherlands Austria Greece Italy Brazil Mexico Canada Egypt South Africa Ireland |
Use the endings below the fold to help with the task above.
--------------------------------------fold, cover or cut--------------------------------------
-ian -ish -ese -ean -an -ch
Check above, then test each other on the words:
- Say a nationality and see if your partner can say the country
- Say a country and see if your partner can say the nationality
- Say one of the sentences on the second page with a gap for the country or nationality for your partner to complete, saying the other sentence on the same line to help if they need it
- Say an ending and help your partner make suitable nationality words
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