Suggest an Idiom or Slang Expression

Use this form to suggest an English idiom or slang expression to be included in the idioms database. All submissions are editorially reviewed and verified before being published.

Please note: If you have a question to ask about idioms, please post a question or browse our English Idioms and Sayings forum.
Personal Information

Please enter your name and email address. Your name will be displayed as a way of crediting your contributions. Your email address will not be displayed but may be used to contact you if necessary.




Please describe the idiom or slang expression that you wish to submit.




By submitting this form you agree to the terms of use below.

Terms of Use

We provide the facility for you to suggest new idioms because we think our users would like to contribute and help make even better. After all, a database is only as good as its content. However, we treat these as suggestions for new content. We may therefore edit or otherwise alter your suggestion to fit with our editorial guidelines, or to expand on the details provided.

Attribution & Privacy:

Your name will be published on the idiom as a credit to you for the contribution. Your email address will not be displayed but may be used by to contact you if necessary. See also our privacy policy.


If you suggest an idiom for inclusion in our database it implies that you accept and agree to our terms.

Approval Process:

  1. You will receive confirmation of your submission by email.
  2. All idiom submissions are editorially reviewed.
  3. Approved submissions will appear in the idioms dictionary. You can check whether yours has been included by going to the What's New page in the members’ idioms section.
  4. There may be a time lag between your submission and its editorial review, depending on how big the approval queue is, but we do try to keep this to a minimum.  Expect the review within a few days.  If you wish to enquire about the status of your submission, please contact us using our contact form.

Please Note:

If approved, your idiom suggestion may be classified as 'Members Only' and therefore will only appear in the members area.  You will either need to be a member of, or to register for free, to view your submissions within the members' idioms section.
