Wouldn't throw a rock in a school yard meaning
What does the saying 'Wouldn't throw a rock in a school yard' mean?
Idiom: Wouldn't throw a rock in a school yard
Going through old photo albums with my 99 year old Gramma she pointed out one of my grandpa's uncle's & said this. I was not sure why anyone would throw a rock in a schoolyard but I asked why this uncle in particular- it's a pretty obscure saying, but it's a very polite & modest, though playful, way to say someone is promiscuous. She explained that they "wouldn't throw a rock in a schoolyard" for fear of hitting one of their own illegitimately fathered kids, as any of them could be theirs.

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- Between a rock and a hard place
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- Stone's throw
- Throw caution to the wind
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- Throw someone under the bus
- Throw a curve
- Dumb as a rock
- Throw someone a bone
- Hit rock bottom
- Throw a spanner in the works
- Throw a spanner in the works
- Wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding
- Not trust someone further than you can throw them
- Like a shag on a rock
- Throw in the sponge
- Throw someone to the wolves
- Throw your hat in the ring
- Throw your weight around
- Throw someone in at the deep end
- Throw someone a line
- Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house
- Throw your toys out of the pram
- People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
- Throw a spanner in the works
- Throw a spanner in the works
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See also:
- View examples in Google: Wouldn't throw a rock in a school yard
- Idiom Quizzes