4 English Phrasal Verbs With 'WEAR'

What's covered on this page

We have definitions for 4 phrasal verbs with 'WEAR'

4 phrasal verbs with 'WEAR'

Wear away

  1. Erode, remove gradually
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: The lawn has been WORN AWAY by people walking across it and it's just bare soil now with hardly a blade of grass.

Wear down

  1. Make something weaker
    (Separable [obligatory] | International English)
    » Example: The stress of my job is WEARING me DOWN.

Wear off

  1. Stop having an effect
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: The anaesthetic WORE OFF and my tooth started hurting.

Wear out

  1. Use something until it stops working
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: She played the video so many times that she WORE the tape OUT.

Take our Exercise on 'WEAR'

Quiz for Verb: 'To WEAR'

Choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb...

'Wear away' means...

'Wear off' means...

'Wear out' means...

'Wear down' means...

