Up the stick meaning
What does the saying 'Up the stick' mean?
Idiom: Up the stick
If a woman is up the stick, she's pregnant.
Country: British English 
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- Wrong end of the stick
- Stick to your guns
- In a cleft stick
- Give someone stick
- Give it some stick
- Stick-in-the-mud
- Carrot and stick
- Stick your neck out
- Better than a stick in the eye
- Short end of the stick
- Ugly as a stick
- Rough end of the stick
- Stick in your craw
- More than you can shake a stick at
- Speak softly and carry a big stick
- Stick out like a sore thumb
- You can't beat that with a stick
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See also:
- View examples in Google: Up the stick
- Idiom Quizzes