Thin blue line meaning
What does the saying 'Thin blue line' mean?
Idiom: Thin blue line
The thin blue line is a term for the police, suggesting that they stand between an ordered society and potential chaos. (Police uniforms are blue.)
Country: British English 
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Similar Idioms
- Thin line
- Ragged blue line
- Walk a fine line
- Between the devil and the deep blue sea
- Feeling blue
- Spinning a line
- True blue
- True blue
- Out of the blue
- Into thin air
- Till you're blue in the face
- Thin as a rake
- Thin-skinned
- Bolt from the blue
- Hook, line, and sinker
- Draw the line
- Blue-eyed boy
- Bottom line
- Thin end of the wedge
- Toe the line
- Blue blood
- Scream blue murder
- Through thick and thin
- Draw a line in the sand
- On the line
- Once in a blue moon
- Skate on thin ice
- Hot as blue blazes
- Go blue
- Talk a blue streak
- Throw someone a line
- Drop someone a line
- The line forms on the right
- Boys in blue
- Be true blue
- Blue skies
- Spread yourself too thin
- Cross the line
- Walk the line
- Black and blue
- There's a dead cat on the line
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See also:
- View examples in Google: Thin blue line
- Idiom Quizzes