Idioms Beginning With: 'T'
Showing 51 - 100 of
286 results for letter 'T'
- Take your hat off to somebody
- Take your medicine
- Taken as read
- Tale of the tape
- Talk a blue streak
- Talk a glass eye to sleep
- Talk a mile a minute
- Talk is cheap
- Talk nineteen to the dozen
- Talk of the town
- Talk out of the back of your head
- Talk out of your hat
- Talk shop
- Talk the hind legs off a donkey
- Talk the legs off an iron pot
- Talk turkey
- Talk your arm off
- Talking to a brick wall
- Tall drink of water
- Tall enough to hunt geese with a rake
- Tall order
- Tall story
- Tally ho!
- Tankie
- Tar baby
- Tar with the same brush
- Taste blood
- Taste of your own medicine
- Teach your grandmother to suck eggs
- Teacher's pet
- Tear your hair out
- Tears before bedtime
- Teeny-weeny
- Teething problems
- Tell it to the marines
- Tell them where the dog died
- Tempest in a teapot
- Tempt fate
- Tempt providence
- Ten a penny
- Test the waters
- That and 50 cents will buy you a cup of coffee
- That dog won't hunt
- That is the way the cookie crumbles
- That makes two of us
- That ship has sailed
- That's a given
- That's all she wrote
- The apple does not fall far from the tree
- The ayes have it
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