Idioms Beginning With: 'T'
Showing 1 - 50 of
286 results for letter 'T'
- Tables are turned
- Tackle an issue
- Take a back seat
- Take a hike
- Take a leaf out of someone's book
- Take a nosedive
- Take a punch
- Take a raincheck
- Take a shine to
- Take a straw poll
- Take aback
- Take by storm
- Take by the scruff of the neck
- Take for a test drive
- Take for granted
- Take forty winks
- Take guts
- Take it in your stride
- Take it on the chin
- Take it or leave it
- Take it up a notch
- Take no prisoners
- Take one for the team
- Take root
- Take someone down a peg
- Take someone for a ride
- Take someone to task
- Take someone to the cleaners
- Take someone to the woodshed
- Take someone under your wing
- Take stock
- Take the biscuit
- Take the bull by its horns
- Take the cake
- Take the chair
- Take the edge off
- Take the fall
- Take the fifth
- Take the flak
- Take the floor
- Take the heat
- Take the Mickey
- Take the plunge
- Take the rough with the smooth
- Take to your heels
- Take up the reins
- Take up the torch
- Take your breath away
- Take your eye off the ball
- Take your hat off
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