3 English Phrasal Verbs With 'SPIN'
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We have definitions for 3 phrasal verbs with 'SPIN'
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3 phrasal verbs with 'SPIN'
Spin around
Turn to face the opposite direction
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: She SPUN AROUND when he called her name.
Turn to face the opposite direction
Spin off
Produce an unexpected additional benefit
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: The research SPUN OFF a number of new products as well as solving the problem. -
Form a separate company from part of an existing one
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: They SPUN OFF the retail division last year. -
Create a TV show using characters from a popular show
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: They SPUN it OFF from the main show, but it didn't really attract many viewers.
Produce an unexpected additional benefit
Spin out
Lose control (vehicle)
(Intransitive | American English)
» Example: The car hit the water and SPUN OUT. -
Make something last as long as possible
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I SPUN the work OUT to make as much money from the job as I could.
Lose control (vehicle)
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