15 English Phrasal Verbs With 'SIT'
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We have definitions for 15 phrasal verbs with 'SIT'
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15 phrasal verbs with 'SIT'
Sit about
Sit and do nothing, especially when you should be working
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We spent the afternoon SITTING ABOUT chatting instead of doing any work.
Sit and do nothing, especially when you should be working
Sit around
Sit idly, doing nothing
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: They just SAT AROUND while the others did all the work.
Sit idly, doing nothing
Sit back
Wait for something to happen without making any effort
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: We SAT BACK and waited for them to make the first mistake. -
Relax in a chair
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I SAT BACK and enjoyed the show.
Wait for something to happen without making any effort
Sit by
Not try to stop something
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: I can't SIT BY while they are punished wrongly.
Not try to stop something
Sit down
Help someone to sit
(Separable [obligatory] | International English)
» Example: The nurse SAT me DOWN in a chair.
Help someone to sit
Sit for
Pose for an artist or photographer
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The Queen SAT FOR another official portrait. -
Look after children while their parents are out
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: She SITS FOR her neighbors when they go out.
Pose for an artist or photographer
Sit in
Occupy a building to protest about something
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The students SAT IN the Library as a protest against the increase in tuition fees.
Occupy a building to protest about something
Sit in for
Take on someone's responsibilities while they are absent
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: Her deputy's SITTING IN FOR her while she's away.
Take on someone's responsibilities while they are absent
Sit in on
Attend as an observer
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She SAT IN ON the meeting and took notes but said nothing.
Attend as an observer
Sit on
Be on a committee
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She's SAT ON the finance committee from the beginning. -
To handle somebody firmly who behaves impertinently, conceitedly
(Inseparable | American English)
» Example: If his girlfriend finds out, she'll get mad and SIT ON him. -
Hold information back or keep it secret
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The government have been SITTING ON the report because it was so critical.
Be on a committee
Sit out
Not take part
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: I had to SIT the game OUT because I was ill.
Not take part
Sit over
Eat or drink slowly
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: WE SAT OVER dinner discussing the plans.
Eat or drink slowly
Sit through
Stay till the end of something dull
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: I was bored and wanted to leave halfway through, but we SAT THROUGH the film.
Stay till the end of something dull
Sit up
Suddenly take notice or pay attention
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: They SAT UP when I told them I was closing the company. -
Move from lying down to a sitting position
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: She SAT UP in bed when the doctor wanted to take her temperature.
Suddenly take notice or pay attention
Sit with
Reconcile different positions
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: It's hard to see how their new plan SITS WITH the promises they made.
Reconcile different positions
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