6 English Phrasal Verbs With 'POP'

What's covered on this page

We have definitions for 6 phrasal verbs with 'POP'

6 phrasal verbs with 'POP'

Pop down

  1. Travel somewhere to visit
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: Why don't you POP DOWN and see us during the holidays?

Pop down to

  1. Go somewhere quickly to do something, often to buy or get something
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: I am POPPING DOWN TO the shops to get some coffee.

Pop in

  1. Visit for a short time
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: He POPPED IN for a coffee on his way home.

Pop off

  1. Talk loudly, complain
    (Intransitive | American English)
    » Example: He's always POPPING OFF when things don't suit him.
  2. Go out for a short time
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: He's just POPPED OFF for a break but should be back in a few minutes.
  3. Kill, shoot
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: He got POPPED OFF when trying to rob the place.

Pop out

  1. Go out for a short time
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: I'm just POPPING OUT to the shops. Do you need anything while I'm out?

Pop up

  1. Appear, like windows and boxes opening on a computer screen.
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: The dialogue box POPPED UP up when I pressed Enter.
  2. Appear unexpectedly
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: I'm going to have to work late tonight because something has POPPED UP.

Take our Exercise on 'POP'

Quiz for Verb: 'To POP'

Choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb...

'Pop down to' means...

'Pop off' means...

'Pop out' means...

'Pop down' means...

'Pop off' means...

'Pop off' means...

'Pop in' means...

'Pop up' means...

'Pop up' means...

