4 English Phrasal Verbs With 'PEG'
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4 phrasal verbs with 'PEG'
Peg away
Keep working at something
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: I PEGGED AWAY for weeks before my exams.
Keep working at something
Peg down
Fasten something to the ground
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: We PEGGED the tent DOWN to stop the wind blowing it about.
Fasten something to the ground
Peg it
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: After a long illness, she finally PEGGED IT yesterday.
Peg out
Put washing outside to dry
(Separable [optional] | British English)
» Example: I PEGGED the washing OUT after it stopped raining. -
(Intransitive | British English)
» Example: He PEGGED OUT last night from a heart attack. -
Mark out an area of land by driving pegs into the ground
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: They PEGGED OUT their farmland to stake their claim.
Put washing outside to dry
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