Do you say good evening to people at night??
In usual times, I go to bed at 12 and I wake up at 8 in the morning. But these days, like all Muslims I am on fast. So l have changed my sleep cycle so that I can adapt with hunger during the day. I mean I am awake all the night and I sleep during the day instead. Pleaple in Ramezan (name of an Arabic month) don't eat anything during a day. It's a religion ritual.
As far as ... Are concerend..
I don't remember the meaning of this structure now. It's familiar to me, I have studied it somewhere.. What does this sentence mean?
Today l had an English exam at university. My only mistake was about the meaning of "exhaustive". I thought that it was derived from the verb exhaust and it means when something ehxhausts someone,that thing is an exhaustive one. After my exam I looked it up in dictionary and I fount " thorough".
How irrelevant it was. Right?