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These days Im busy studying my own major. I have "history of psychology" exam tomorrow. So I have no time to study English. But after I finish my exams, I will study the rest of the CAE book in summer. Those days i will watch English movies too. I am waiting to watch "Insurgent".
You mentioned terrorism and Muslims. I'm not too familiar with either one. I don't follow the news. When I work as a journalist, I like to write news stories about local government and board of education meetings. I prefer to write articles about museums, parks, local bars, people...
Yes, it's fine to say 'good evening' to people around nighttime.

You asked about the meaning of 'exhaustive.' It's synonymous with 'comprehensive.' We have 'exhaust' the verb and 'exhaustive' the adjective.

'As far as' is a prepositional phrase. 'Concerned' is an adjective. The entire phrase describes what you're talking about. For example, 'As far as the party is concerned, Joe will not be there.' The phrase determines that we're talking about a 'party' and the clause states that were talking about Joe's participation.

I hope these explanations were helpful. Let me know if you need a clarification. Congratulations on your great score on your exam! :)
I want to tell you something that is very important. We are not terrorism. We are not like ISIS. We hate those cruel people. Please dont generalize Arab Muslims to other Muslims. We are Iranian Muslims who are very kind. We don't like war, we don't like killing peoples. We have no problem with anyone in the word. We have a rich cultural civilization. We hope peace and honesty.
Do you say good evening to people at night??
In usual times, I go to bed at 12 and I wake up at 8 in the morning. But these days, like all Muslims I am on fast. So l have changed my sleep cycle so that I can adapt with hunger during the day. I mean I am awake all the night and I sleep during the day instead. Pleaple in Ramezan (name of an Arabic month) don't eat anything during a day. It's a religion ritual.

As far as ... Are concerend..
I don't remember the meaning of this structure now. It's familiar to me, I have studied it somewhere.. What does this sentence mean?

Today l had an English exam at university. My only mistake was about the meaning of "exhaustive". I thought that it was derived from the verb exhaust and it means when something ehxhausts someone,that thing is an exhaustive one. After my exam I looked it up in dictionary and I fount " thorough".
How irrelevant it was. Right?
Good afternoon! I guess I should say good evening because it it 11:00 in Iran. What time do you go to sleep? Anyway, how are your English skills progressing today? If you need help with anything, just let me know. As far as social network applications are concerned, I don't subscribe to any of those services. It sounds like something that might be useful to me. Take care.
Do you have these social networks applications? Viber, whatsap,line,telegram...
If so, l would like to have your ID so that I can find you there
You are so kind and helpful. I asked your sleep time in order to know when you are awake. Here it is 1:12 at noon. But you are in the middle of a sweat dream I guess. ;-)
I overlooked a message from you. You asked what time I go to bed. Usually around 11 or 12 central standard time. You also said that you would appreciate my assistance with grammar. So far you're doing well. I'll let you know if there are any problems with syntax.
PhD is ambitious. That's a lot of school. I hope your ambitious dream comes true. I think it would be difficult to find a more noble profession than helping people with mental diseases. People with mental disorders have a heavy burden to carry. It's nice that you want to alleviate suffering. Good luck!
I will appreciate you if you improve my messegae.
Oh, what time do you usually go to bed?
I love my major. You know, it has everything. All we should know for a better life. For instance, the way of nurturing children; the way we interact with others; coping with stress; and specially mental diseases.
Well, with BA there is no job opportunity but I want to continue my studies. My ambitious dream is studying for PhD in Minnesota or Yale university.
How did you get interested in clinical psychology? It sounds interesting. What do you hope to do with your degree?
Hi, I don't see why you deleted my post in 'Will in Direct Speech'. Everybody has to learn from their mistakes right? Just saying, no offense whatsoever.
Hey, Daffy! Hi! It's me, Ron! It's cool to see that there are so many people on the forum that I remember from before. BTW, check out "Perfect People" in Poetry & Prose. TTYL.
