Existentialism is interesting. I also enjoyed reading about syllogisms and fallacies. Good stuff. Anyway, who are some of your favorite philosophers and why?
What is the difference between school and university? In the US, they're practically synonymous. You like philosophy? Me too. Philosophy was my minor. In your philosophy class, did you study Western philosophers? What's your minor?
The story of psychology! Nice!
I don't go to school, I go to university instead! My favorite class was bases of philosophy. We had it in the second semester. That was very challenging.
How are you doing today? Not much new here. Just taking a break from reading a new book titled The Story of Psychology. As far as your curiosity is concerned, you'er fine. You weren't rude. Anyway, how's school going? What's your favorite class?
Yes, I've set a lot of goals for my future and I try to achieve them.
I have some private questions. Why don't you start your name by capital B? I think "Boehm" is true.
Do you really live in the US?
Why don't you participate in threads and discussions? You are still a newbie member!
Which university did you get your BA from? Don't you want to continue your studies? What's it like to be a journalist? Do you earn too much money?
I'm happy with my life. I can't complain. What about you? Are you happy with the way that your life is progressing? You seem to be doing well. You're kind and ambitious. Good traits.
I have no idea about conflict resolusion. I think we have studied Bystander effect in social psychology course. People don't help others in public. They are taking pictures instead
If you are alone and you find someone in pain, it will be more likely to help him/her
Will you be studying the Bystander Effect? The study of classical illusions? Conflict resolution? What do you think of these concepts? Good luck with your exam!