Idioms Beginning With: 'P'
Showing 51 - 100 of
209 results for letter 'P'
- Piece of cake
- Pieces of the same cake
- Pig in a poke
- Pig in clover
- Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered
- Pigs might fly
- Pile it on thick
- Pin down with a label
- Pin money
- Pinch of salt
- Pink pound
- Pink slip
- Pipe dream
- Piping hot
- Place in the sun
- Plain as a pikestaff
- Plain as the nose on your face
- Plain Jane
- Plain sailing
- Plan B
- Plastic smile
- Play ball
- Play by ear
- Play fast and loose
- Play for keeps
- Play for time
- Play gooseberry
- Play hard to get
- Play hardball
- Play havoc
- Play hooky
- Play into someone's hands
- Play it by ear
- Play out of your skin
- Play possum
- Play second fiddle
- Play the field
- Play the fool
- Play with fire
- Playing to the gallery
- Please revert
- Pleased as punch
- Poacher turned gamekeeper
- Poetry in motion
- Point the finger
- Pointy-heads
- Poison pill
- Poisoned chalice
- Poke one's nose
- Poker face
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