6 English Phrasal Verbs With 'LASH'
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We have definitions for 6 phrasal verbs with 'LASH'
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6 phrasal verbs with 'LASH'
Lash down
Fall heavily (rain)
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: The rain was LASHING DOWN all day and the roads were flooded. -
Secure something with ropes or cords
(Separable [optional] | International English)
» Example: We LASHED the tarpaulin DOWN to stop the wind blowing it away.
Fall heavily (rain)
Lash into
Criticise someone strongly
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He LASHED INTO them for messing thins up.
Criticise someone strongly
Lash out
Suddenly become violent
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He LASHED OUT and broke the man's nose. -
React angrily
(Intransitive | International English)
» Example: He LASHES OUT when things don't go his way. -
Spend a lot of money on luxuries
(Intransitive | Australian English)
» Example: I LASHED OUT in the sales last week.
Suddenly become violent
Lash out against
Criticise something strongly
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: The press has LASHED OUT AGAINST the policy.
Criticise something strongly
Lash out at
Hit someone suddenly, usually without warning, or try to hit them
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: He LASHED OUT AT me when I laughed at him. -
Criticise someone or shout at them
(Inseparable | International English)
» Example: She LASHED OUT AT her colleagues when she was sacked.
Hit someone suddenly, usually without warning, or try to hit them
Lash out on
Spend a lot of money buying something
(Separable [obligatory] | Australian English)
» Example: I LASHED OUT a lot ON a new car.
Spend a lot of money buying something
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