9 English Phrasal Verbs With 'KICK'

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We have definitions for 9 phrasal verbs with 'KICK'

9 phrasal verbs with 'KICK'

Kick about

  1. Discuss
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: We KICKED the idea ABOUT at the meeting.

Kick around

  1. Discuss
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: We KICKED the idea AROUND.

Kick around with

  1. Spend time with
    (Inseparable | International English)
    » Example: I used to KICK AROUND WITH them, but haven't seen them for a while.

Kick back

  1. Pay someone illegally as part of the price
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: I had to KICK ten percent BACK to the government official to get the contract.
  2. Resist
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: They KICKED BACK when we suggested downsizing.
  3. Relax
    (Intransitive | American English)
    » Example: Rather than go out tonight, we plan to KICK BACK and watch television.

Kick down

  1. Break something with your feet
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: The police KICKED the door DOWN.

Kick in

  1. When a drug starts to take effect
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: Her hayfever didn't feel half as bad once the antihistamines had KICKED IN.
  2. Break something with your feet
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: They KICKED his head IN.
  3. Contribute money
    (Intransitive | American English)
    » Example: I’ll KICK IN for some of the beer if you will buy the pizza.
  4. Start having an effect
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: The budget cuts are starting to KICK IN and people are struggling.

Kick off

  1. Start a game of football
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: The match KICKS OFF at three o'clock.
  2. Die
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: He KICKED OFF last month when he had a massive heart attack.
  3. When trouble starts
    (Intransitive | International English)
    » Example: The fight KICKED OFF when he insulted the guy's girlfriend.
  4. Argue, protest and refuse to co-operate
    (Intransitive | British English)
    » Example: He started KICKING OFF big time when the police tried to arrest him.

Kick out

  1. Expel
    (Separable [optional] | International English)
    » Example: The family KICKED the au pair OUT when they found out that she was planning to move to work for another household.

Kick up

  1. Cause trouble or pain
    (Intransitive | American English)
    » Example: My back KICKS UP when it gets cold.

Take our Exercise on 'KICK'

Quiz for Verb: 'To KICK'

Choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb...

'Kick off' means...

'Kick in' means...

'Kick off' means...

'Kick in' means...

'Kick about' means...

'Kick down' means...

'Kick back' means...

'Kick back' means...

'Kick out' means...

'Kick back' means...

