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  • Sorry, slaloom2. I am happy to discuss grammar in the main forums, but I don't edit letters/essays/etc.
    Hi Mr Wunderbar

    Sorry about the delayed response - I rarely come to this page.

    I now spend so much time on this site and another forum, that I dind't notice that my website had died. I still have copies of my articles. If you PM me with your email address, and let me know which ones you want, I'send them to you.


    Hey 5jj,
    I was looking for your articles on English grammar and your website (gramorak.com) appears to be down. There is also no cáched or alternative version.
    When will your website go back online? Or can you post your articles somewhere that I can access them?

    Thank you very much!

    I am away on holiday until about 9 June, So any PMs and Visitor Messages will receive no response. See you soon.
    Please note that I always look at questions in 'Ask a Teacher' before I look at my private or visitor messages. If you have a question to which you would like an answer, I'll answer it more quickly in the public forum. If I don't answer it there it is because:

    1. Somebody else has already given a satisfactory answer.
    2. I don't know the answer.

    Please note, also, that I feel flattered when I receive the occasional friendship request, but I have to decline. I have no wish to offend anybody, but I am not a believer in forum friendships.
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