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  • Hi, mate!

    Nice to see you.

    How do you feel living in a great country, Japan?

    Many beautiful girls and nice cities.

    Hi tzfujimino, How are you? Apparently I have 5 messages awaiting approval (2 of which have been "moderated" but I can't access any of them. I keep going round in circles. The last PM I received from you was on 1st June. So, if you don't hear from me you'll know I just wasn't able to access the message. Frustrating! Take care!
    Hi tzfujimino, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of these visitor messages. Thank you for passing my message on to Banderas. I was really pleased to hear from him via you. Have a nice weekend again! Take care, Naomi
    Dzieb dobry!
    Co slychac?
    Would teach me this in Japanese, plase? I was no idea that "Genki" is si formal. Ups...I will definitely get in touch with Naomi, thank you for letting me know.
    Hi tzfujimino! I got your message but in a different format. I still can't understand what's going on. Anyway, say hello to Banderas from me. I sent him an email about a month ago but I don't think he received it. Take care! Naomi
    Dzien dobry, my friend! Ho did you learn it?
    Genki?-I hope I am allowed to ask like this? Is it not too formal?
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