Describing Festivals and Celebrations Subject Questions Practice
Asking and answering object and subject questions about festivals and celebrations speaking, with subject questions grammar presentation and names of important festivals and celebrations.
Lesson Plan Content:
Describing festivals and celebrations subject questions practice
Describe a typical wedding in your country to your partner as if they don’t know anything about it. They will listen and ask more questions like those below, especially about differences between countries.
- How many people turn down wedding invitations?
- What do guests bring?
- What do guests wear?
- What does the bride say?
- What does the bride wear?
- What does the groom say?
- What does the groom wear?
- What happens before/ during/ after…?
- What is drunk?
- What is eaten?/ What food is served?
- What is lucky?/ What is good luck?/ What do people do for good luck?
- What is unlucky?/ What is bad luck?/ What do people avoid doing to avoid bad luck?
- What takes the bride there?
- What takes the couple away?
- Which days are best?/ Which dates are best?
- Which side of the family pays for the ceremony?
- Who accompanies the bride?
- Who answers first during the wedding vows?
- Who attends the ceremony?
- Who attends the reception?
- Who buys presents?
- Who can bring a “plus one”?
- Who cries?
- Who gets in touch with the guests?
- Who gives cash?
- Who gives speeches at the wedding?
- Who helps the bride?
- Who invites the guests?
- Who lends the “something borrowed” that the bride wears?
- Who makes promises during the ceremony?
- Who performs?
- Who plays music?
- Who proposes?
- Who sits next to/ near/ opposite/…?/ Where do people sit?
- Who supports the groom?
- Who teaches the bride and groom what to do?
- Whose clothes are the most difficult to put on?
- Whose clothes are the most uncomfortable?
- Whose side pays for the reception?
Ask about any questions above you don’t understand, are not sure how to answer, etc, working together as a class to answer them each time.
Divide these questions into two groups by their grammar/ word order:
- Who attends the ceremony?
- What do guests bring?
- What does the bride say?
- What takes the bride there?
Why are they different from each other? How are the answers to those kinds of questions different from each other?
Do the same for other festivals, ceremonies and celebrations that might have cultural differences, pretending to be totally ignorant about those situations in the country being talked about each time, asking who, which, what and whose questions.
Possible festivals, ceremonies and celebrations to talk about
All Saints Day/ Day of the Dead
April Fool’s Day
baby shower
birthday/ special birthday
Carnival/ Mardi Gras
children’s festivals
coming of age
entering kindergarten/ school/ college/ university
(autumn/ spring) equinox
Father’s Day
funeral/ wake
gay pride
harvest festivals
lunar New Year
May Day
memorial service
Mother’s Day
music festivals
particular seasons
street festivals
summer festivals
summer solstice
Teacher’s Day
wedding anniversary
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