Cambridge First Speaking Part Four on festivals and celebrations


Opinion questions on festivals and celebrations in different countries for Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part Four preparation and speaking practice

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Cambridge First Speaking Part Four on festivals and celebrations

with questions stems from Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part Four exams

Read through all the questions in your section below to make sure you understand them, then spend three or four minutes asking your partner(s) about those things. You can also ask follow-up questions like “Why…?” if the answer is short. Your teacher will tell you if you should follow the speaking exam format or not.

Student A

  • Are people in your country generally interested in celebrating traditional festivals, do you think?
  • Do you think children generally understand the reasons for festivals and celebrations? (Why?/ Why not?)
  • Do you think children should be taught about traditional festivals and celebrations in school?
  • Do you think it’s a good idea to give people cash instead of a present?
  • Do you think that people your age in your country spend too much on festivals and celebrations? (Why do you feel that way?)
  • Halloween is becoming more and more popular in some countries. Why do you think that is?
  • How important are birthdays in your culture? (What makes you say that?)
  • In what ways does retaining traditional festivals and celebrations benefit society?

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Student B

  • Do you think it’s better to give people presents that they ask for or to surprise them?
  • Do you think it’s important to have a nice funeral?
  • Do you think that people’s attitude to religious festivals is changing?
  • Do you think there is a danger that local festivals and celebrations could be replaced by American ones like Halloween?
  • How have wedding celebrations changed over the last twenty five years?
  • Is it important to understand the reason for a national holiday or do you think it’s enough to just have a day off? (Why?)
  • What is the most important festival or celebration for most people in your town or country, do you think?

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Student C

  • Are there advantages to letting children believe myths like the existence of Santa Claus?
  • Do you think that learning about festivals and celebrations in other countries is a good way to make children more open-minded about other countries and cultures?
  • Do you think that your government is doing enough to preserve the traditional way of life in your country? (Why do you think that?)
  • How do people usually mark the New Year? Do you usually do those things?
  • How important is it to celebrate coming of age?
  • Parents are spending more and more on Christmas presents. Why do you think that is?
  • Some people say that you shouldn’t celebrate Christian festivals such as Christmas if you aren’t a Christian. What do you think?
  • Why, in your opinion, do some people not enjoy family celebrations?

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