Need help editing warning letter

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May 2, 2020
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Can someone please help by editing this warning letter?

This letter serves as warning letter for your failure to follow the working procedure prescribed by the company.

You were instructed to pick-up weekly route sheet from the drawer inside level 1 pantry on every Saturday, but on Monday (1[SUP]st[/SUP] March 2021), we notice the weekly route sheet was still inside the drawer.

You have violated the company standard working procedure. Every driver has been instructed to follow the route plan strictly to avoid miss out of any service point and late clearing of garbage bin. The route plan helps to optimize your route time and save company cost, thus improve your work performance.

Your behavior is not acceptable.

This letter serve as your first warning. You are advised to make every effort to follow company rules and procedure.
Can someone please help by editing this warning letter?

This letter serves as a warning[STRIKE] letter [/STRIKE]for your failure to follow the working procedure prescribed by the company.

You were instructed to pick
(no comma) up, weekly, the route sheet from the drawer inside Level 1 Pantry [STRIKE]on [/STRIKE]every Saturday, but on Monday (1[SUP]st[/SUP] March 2021), we noticed the weekly route sheet was still inside the drawer.

You have violated the company standard working procedure. Every driver has been instructed to follow the route plan strictly to avoid miss
ing out [STRIKE]of [/STRIKE]any service point and late clearing of garbage bins. The route plan helps to optimize [STRIKE]your[/STRIKE] route time and save the company cost, thus i[STRIKE]mprove[/STRIKE] improving your work performance.

Your behavior is not acceptable.

This letter serve
s as [STRIKE]your [/STRIKE] a first warning. You are advised to make every effort to follow company rules and procedures.
Written Warning

This Written Warning confirms our discussion on ____(date)_______ and is being issued to you regarding (state reason(s), e.g., misconduct, unsatisfactory work performance, dereliction of duty, etc.)

(Describe incident(s) prompting this letter, giving brief details and examples. Example: Since our discussion on __(date)___ you have continued to …….. , or, Recently you failed to ……..)

The reasons you have given are that (state employee’s reasons). These are unacceptable reasons and do not excuse your (state problem). In short, your (state problem) continues.

On __(date)___ you were counseled (verbally and/or in writing) by (person’s name) that (state reasons). At that time you were made aware that I expected you to (state method of correction). I further indicated that I would continue to review your (state situation) for improvement.

(Optional, if appropriate: If you are experiencing problems of a nature that may be amenable to assistance by the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), you may contact that office at 476-8279. Your participation is voluntary and the services are provided on a confidential basis. A list of the services provided is available at.)

It is imperative you understand that failure to show immediate and sustained improvement in your (problem) will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from your employment with the University. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the specific expectations as attached, please let me know immediately.
Justpractice, did you create that template letter yourself?

I Googled the opening line of your letter and found the exact words on an external website. Note that we take a very dim view of plagiarism here.
Can someone please help by editing this warning letter?

This letter serves as a warning for your failure to follow the working procedure prescribed by the company.

You were instructed to pick up the weekly route sheet from the drawer inside level 1 pantry on every Saturday, but on Monday (1[SUP]st[/SUP] March 2021), we noticed that the weekly route sheet was still inside the drawer.

You have violated the company standard working procedure. Every driver has been instructed to follow the route plan strictly to avoid missing any service point and late clearing of garbage bins. The route plan helps to optimize your route time and save company costs, thus improving your work performance.

Your behavior is not acceptable.

This letter serves as your first warning. You are advised to make every effort to follow company rules and procedures.

Justpractice, the template you found is poorly written. Don't use it.
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