Teacher Articles on Functional Language

The 'Functional Language' category provides a wealth of articles aimed at enhancing the teaching of practical English language use. It covers various aspects of language functions, such as making requests, giving advice, or expressing opinions. These resources will aid teachers and academics in developing effective lesson plans, thereby facilitating students' real-world communication skills.

Formal and informal language games

Fun intensive practice for both polite and friendly language

How to teach English greetings

Teaching tips, games and songs for teaching different ways to say hello and goodbye

How to teach conversational reactions

Teaching students how to react with sympathy, shock, interest, etc, including conversational reactions games.

How to teach starting and ending conversations in English

Teaching tips and classroom activities for the tricky beginnings and endings of conversations.

How to teach restaurant language

A guide to teaching language for hosts, guests and staff in restaurants.

How to teach advice, recommendations and suggestions

Teaching tips, games and other classroom activities for "should", "If I were you", "I would suggest", etc.

How to teach making and responding to invitations

Teaching tips and classroom activities for making, accepting and politely rejecting invitations.

How to teach giving and asking for directions

Teaching tips and classroom activities for showing people where to go with "go straight ahead", "turn right", "take the second turning on your left", "opposite the station", etc.

How to teach the language of feelings

Teaching tips and classroom activities for the language emotions, from very young learners to advanced learners.

How to teach shopping language

Teaching suggestions and classroom activities for shopping phrases and language for shop staff.

How to teach comparing and contrasting

How to go far beyond "more" or "er" in describing similarities and differences.

How to teach hedging and generalising

How to teach and practise language to stop students overgeneralising and making stronger or more vague statements than they mean to

How to teach advantages and disadvantages- looking at both sides

Language and teaching ideas for examining both sides of an argument before reaching a conclusion in both speaking and writing

How to teach supporting your arguments

Presentation and practice for the most important part of giving opinions.

How to teach the language of likes and dislikes

Stimulating presentation and practice of language for expressing preferences, with useful phrases and common student difficulties.

How to teach turn taking

Teaching polite interrupting, getting back on track, etc.

How to teach and use the language of newspaper headlines

Lessons to help students understand newspaper headlines

How to teach checking and clarifying

Teaching how to ask for and give confirmation of meaning without sounding rude.
