Can I use effectively the following model of learning and communicating with an AI?


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Dec 5, 2013
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Can I use effectively the following model of learning and communicating with an AI?

I have taken a sentence from BBC's article on politics and asked Copilot to give me two sentences with the same structure asking it to explain the structure as it is. Here is the result.
"The official added that the Biden administration believes Israel "got the best of it" in the exchange, which began when senior Iranian military commanders were killed at an Iranian consular building in Syria. Can you give me two sentences with the same structure and explain to me the structure used?

Sure, here are two sentences with the same structure:
  1. “The spokesperson stated that the Johnson government thinks the UK ‘came out on top’ in the negotiation, which started when high-ranking EU officials were dismissed at an EU summit in Brussels.”
  2. “The representative confirmed that the Trudeau administration feels Canada ‘had the upper hand’ in the trade deal, which initiated when senior American business leaders were involved in a tariff dispute at a G7 meeting in Quebec.”
Now, let’s break down the structure:
  1. “The [position] added that the [administration/government] believes [Country A]”: This phrase introduces the person who is sharing the information ([position]), the administration or government they represent ([administration/government]), and the country that the administration/government is commenting on ([Country A]).
  2. “‘got the best of it’ in the [event]”: This phrase indicates the administration/government’s opinion on the outcome of a specific event or situation ([event]) for [Country A]. The phrase ‘got the best of it’ suggests that [Country A] had a favorable or advantageous outcome.
  3. “which began when [incident] at a [location]”: This phrase provides additional context about the event, specifically how it started ([incident]) and where it took place ([location]).
So, the overall structure is a way to report an administration’s or government’s opinion on the outcome of a specific event for a country, with additional context about how and where the event started. Let me know if you need help with anything else! 😊"