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Dec 26, 2008
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I am preparing my research paper on teaching English to young learners through TPR method. Would you please help me provide some sources that I could not find here. I have been trying hard to search through the net; unfortunately, I did not get them. The sources that I quoted are :

Asher, J. J. (1965). The strategy of the total physical response--an application to learning Russian. ERIC ED011378

Asher, J. J. (1966). The learning strategy of the total physical response: a review. The Modern Language Journal, 50 (2), 79-84.

Asher, J. J. (1969). The total physical response approach to second language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 53 (1), 3-17.

Asher, J. J. (1969). The total physical response technique of learning. Journal of Special Education, 3 (3), 253-62.

Asher, J. J. (1981). Fear of foreign language. Psychology Today, August, 52-59.

Kunihira, S., & J. Asher. (1965). The strategy of the total physical response: An application to learning Japanese. International Review of Applied Linguistics 3:277-289.

Looking forward to your favorable response.

Thanks so much.
- sio
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Quite a few of them are in Google Scholar.

Thanks for your feedback. Most of the journals can be accessed if I subscribe, the fee is very expensive. I am still hoping from this forum.
They are copyright texts and subscription is a legal way to access them. I am afraid that if you cannot access them from a library or purchase them, we cannot help. Any download of copyright materials on free sites could breach the laws, which are strictly enforced in countries like the UK, where the site is registered and hosted, and any such links that are posted will be deleted.
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