Body Vocabulary- Bluffing Game
Lying game to practise lots of body vocabulary, including more advanced body words.
Lesson Plan Content:
Body vocabulary bluffing game
Choose one of the body part cards and make a personal sentence about it like one of the sentences below, making something up if you can’t think of anything true to say. Your partner will ask you questions about your statement, then guess if it was true or if it was false/ just imagination.
Suggested personal statements about body parts
- I broke my…
- I can’t… because of problems with my…
- I dislocated my…
- I had my… removed.
- I had surgery on my… = I had an operation on my…
- I have an artificial…
- I (don’t) like to show my…(s).
- I pluck my …(s).
- I pulled my…
- I recently asked my doctor about my…
- I recently googled about my…
- I shave my …(s).
- I sprained my…
- I strained my…
- I think my…(s) is/ are (very/ fairly/ a little) ugly/ strong/ attractive/ weird/ unattractive/…
- I twisted my…
- I used to have (a) more…/ …er …(s).
- I went to the gym to change my…
- I would have (plastic/ cosmetic) surgery on my … (if …)
- I’d consider having (an) artificial …(s).
- I’d like my … to be (slightly/ much) more…/ …er (than…)
- I’d like to strengthen my…
- I’m (a little/ quite/ very) worried about my…
- I’m (slightly/ quite/ very) self-conscious about my…
- I’m not (very/ at all) happy with my…
- I’m proud of my…
- I’ve been trying to improve my…
- I’ve had (a few/ some/ many) problems with my…
- My …(s) (sometimes/ often/ usually/ always) hurt(s).
- Problems with …(s) run in my family.
Suggested body parts
collar bone |
shoulder blade |
spine |
eyelashes |
pupil |
iris |
bags under your eyes |
moustache |
beard |
top lip/ upper lip |
bottom lip |
tip of your tongue |
chin |
cheek bones |
mole |
forehead/ brow |
earlobes |
throat |
Adam’s apple |
stubble |
voice box/ vocal cords |
lungs |
kidney |
private parts |
sideburns |
little finger/ pinkie |
ring finger |
middle finger |
index finger/ first finger |
back of your hand |
thumb |
wrist |
forearm |
upper arm |
armpit |
toe nail |
thigh |
calf |
hip |
bottom/ rear end/ buttocks |
lower back |
upper back |
belly button/ navel |
belly/ tummy/ stomach |
back of your head |
chest hair |
breasts/ boobs |
pecs/ moobs
big toe |
little toe |
sole |
arch of your foot
heel |
ankle |
knee cap
ponytail |
fringe/ bangs |
crown |
wisdom teeth |
rib cage
triceps |
roof of your mouth |
dimple |
crow’s feet/ laughter lines |
bladder |
trunk/ torso |
goose bumps |
joint |
temples |
whites of your eyes |
lap |
acne/ spots |
scar |
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