Financial vocabulary homophones
Finance words and phrases and things that are pronounced the same way review, starting with a fun quick responses game.
Lesson Plan Content:
Financial vocabulary homophones
Listen to your teacher or partner say something from one box below in a sentence or two, and say from the context if they are saying the thing in column A or the thing in column B. If you aren’t sure, you can ask which row below and/ or ask for the other example on the same line in a different context.
When your teacher tells you to, test other people in the same way. Your teacher will tell you if you can use the example contexts below, if you should make up your own contexts, or if you should mix up those below and your own ideas.
When you finish, ask about any which you are not sure of the meaning of, can’t imagine contexts for, working together to think of other suitable example sentences each time.
Underline the example or examples on each line that are most connected to finance.
Test each other on the words:
- say and spell both homophones and see if your partner can repeat back the spelling of which is more connected to finance
- say how the words are pronounced and see if your partner can spell the word or words which are clearly connected to finance
- spell both homophones and see if your partner can say the shared pronunciation
- spell one word and see if your partner can spell the homophone
- say the homophones on one line and see if your partner can spell both
- say the same word in two different contexts or the two different words in suitable contexts, and see if your partner can notice which of those things you are doing
- spell one word and see if your partner can repeat it back with the correct pronunciation and in a suitable context
Without example contexts version
A |
B |
account |
a count |
air |
heir |
bare |
bear |
budget |
budge it |
caw |
core |
ceiling |
sealing |
cellar |
seller |
cent |
sent |
climbs |
climes |
currant |
current |
D |
de- |
earn |
urn |
ease |
Es |
fair |
fare |
find |
fined |
Hi |
high |
higher |
hire |
leased |
least |
loan |
lone |
market |
mark it |
missed |
mist |
oh |
owe |
one |
won |
peak |
peek |
principal |
principle |
raise |
rays |
raw |
roar |
rose |
rows |
sail |
sale |
sauce |
source |
sawed |
soared |
sees |
seize |
some |
sum |
stake |
steak |
steal |
steel |
suite |
sweet |
tacks |
tax |
tear |
tier |
too |
two |
wait |
weight |
weak |
week |
wind |
wined |
With example contexts version
A |
B |
1 |
(savings) account |
a count (or a duke) |
2 |
(hot) air |
heir (to the fortune) |
3 |
bare (skin) |
bear (market) |
4 |
(annual) budget |
budge it (up to the end of the sofa) |
5 |
caw (like a crow) |
core (area of business) |
6 |
(debt) ceiling |
sealing (off from infection) |
7 |
(wine) cellar |
seller (and buyer) |
8 |
(one) cent |
sent (by snail mail) |
9 |
climbs (rapidly) |
(sunny) climes |
10 |
currant (bun) |
current (account) |
11 |
D(-class shares) |
de-(fault on a debt) |
12 |
earn (commission) |
(Greek) urn |
13 |
ease(-ing the financial conditions) |
(spelled with two) Es |
14 |
fair (value) |
(train) fare |
15 |
find (new markets) |
fined (by the SEC) |
16 |
Hi (John!) |
(a new all-time) high |
17 |
higher (than last year) |
hire (car) |
18 |
leased (back) |
least (valuable) |
19 |
(home) loan |
lone (wolf) |
20 |
(stock) market |
mark it (with a red tick) |
21 |
missed (key targets) |
mist (, fog or smog) |
22 |
oh (seven nine two) |
owe (seven million pounds) |
23 |
one (billion) |
won (the bidding war) |
24 |
(reach a) peak |
peek (into the room) |
25 |
principal (amount) |
(moral) principle |
26 |
raise (prices) |
(laser) rays |
27 |
raw (materials) |
roar (of a lion) |
28 |
(stock prices) rose |
rows (of figures) |
29 |
sail (across the sea) |
(fire) sale |
30 |
(Worcestershire) sauce |
source (of income) |
31 |
sawed (the wood) |
(share prices) soared |
32 |
sees (a new opportunity) |
seize (criminals’ assets) |
33 |
some (issues) |
sum (of the two numbers) |
34 |
(take a minority) stake |
(medium-rare) steak |
35 |
steal (from clients) |
(stainless) steel |
36 |
suite (of fintech products) |
sweet(en the deal) |
37 |
(thumb) tacks |
(corporation) tax |
38 |
tear (rolling down his cheek) |
tier (one capital) |
39 |
too (expensive) |
two (thirds) |
40 |
wait (in the lobby) |
(portfolio) weight |
41 |
weak (currencies) |
(next) week |
42 |
wind (up the local subsidiary) |
wined (and dined) |
Financial English collocations
Without looking above, match the words on the left and right of the same section to make expressions related to finance:
- savings/ current area of business
- heir account
- bear/ bull back
- core ceiling
- debt commission
- climbed/ rose high/ peak
- earn loan
- fair value
- reach a new all-time market
- lease rapidly/ dramatically
- home to the fortune/ throne
- stock materials
- pay market (trader)
- raw of income
- fire raise/ rise
- source sale
- take a minority/ majority stake
- sweeten tax
- corporate/ corporation/ income/ sales the offer/ the deal
- portfolio up that business
- weak weight
- wind yen/ Euro/ currencies
Check above. Other matches may be possible, but there’s probably only one way to match them all.
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