Verbs of Sensation- Discuss and Agree


Verbs for appearance, smell, texture, taste and sound practice with sentence stems to talk about together, write down, and compare with other students.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Vocabulary
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Lesson Plan Content:

Verbs of Sensation- Discuss and Agree

Discuss the appearance, smell, taste, texture of things such as those in the list on the next

page and try to agree on sentences like these:

Example sentences to agree on

Half-completed sentences

______________________ looks a little/ quite/ very/ extremely ugly.

______________________ smells a little/ quite/ very/ extremely disgusting.

______________________ feels a little/ quite/ very/ extremely itchy.

______________________ tastes a little/ quite a lot/ a lot like chicken.

______________________ looks/ smells/ feels + a little/ quite/ very/ extremely disgusting

but it tastes quite/ very/ extremely good.

Gapped sentences

____________________ is cheaper than _____________ but it looks/ tastes/ smells/

feels/ sounds just as good.

______________________ looks a lot like ______________________

______________________ smells really _______________________

______________________ feels a little ________________________

__________ is similar to ____________ but it looks/ smells/ sounds/ feels/ tastes (like)…

_____________ looks/ smells/ sounds/ feels/ tastes (like) ___________ but it _______

______________ looks/ smells/ sounds/ feels/ tastes as good as ______________ but it


_____________ is better than _________________ because it looks/ smells/ sounds/

feels/ tastes (like) _____________________

p. 1

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

Examples of things to agree on

 abstract paintings

 anchovies

 boil in the bag curry/ boil in the bag…

 Brussel sprouts

 (boiled) cabbage

 canned meat/ tinned fruit/ canned…/ tinned…

cheap wine/ cheap…

(blue/ mature/ processed/ Dutch/ American) cheese

 (cheap/ very cheap/ dark/ very dark) chocolate

 cilantro

 combover

 coriander

 cough medicine

 diet cola/ diet…

 Donald Trump’s hair/ skin/…

 durian

 dyed hair

 fake eyelashes/


meat/ tan/…

 frozen peas/…

 gingko tree fruit

grey hair/ hair speckled with grey

 heavy rock music

 kimchi

 lamb

 Marmite/ Vegemite

 microwave meals

 milk

 Picasso paintings

 rabbit meat

 raw meat/ raw…

 shell fish (oysters, etc)

 smelly erasers/ smelly tofu/ smelly…

 spicy crisps/ spicy…

 soy milk

 tap water

 tattoos

 the countryside

 tofu

 Tokyo Station

 Tokyo Tower

 tripe (liver, kidney, etc)

 vegan cheese/ vegan…

 vegetarian sausages/ vegetarian…

 wigs/ hairpieces

 wool

p. 2

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

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