Verbs of Sensation Mini-Presentations
Extended speaking and suggested follow-up questions to prompt the use of verbs describing senses, including like as a preposition.
Lesson Plan Content:
Verbs of Sensation Mini-Presentations
Choose one of the topics on the next page, talk about it for at least one minute, then
answer your partner’s questions, listen to their opinions on the same thing, etc. Then listen
to your partner present on another topic and ask and talk about what they say. Continue
taking turns doing the same thing until your teacher stops you.
Suggested follow-up questions
What does … look like/ smell like/ taste like/ feel like/ sound like?
Is… similar to…?/ Is… like…?
Is… more like… or…?/ Is … more similar to… or…?
Is the sound/ appearance/ taste/ texture/ smell like…?
How is… different from…?
How do you feel about…?/ Do you like…?
Is… your (least) favourite…?
What do you (dis)like about…?
Is there anything you (dis)like about…?
How popular is…?
Does… look/ taste/ feel/ smell/ sound better than…?
p. 1
Written by Alex Case for © 2021
An actor
An acquired taste
An artwork
Something that looks/ smells/ tastes/ feels/ sounds bad
A boil-in-the-bag…
A car
A celebrity/ Someone famous
A cheap…
A complaint
A deodorant
A diet…/ A low-calorie…
A disappointing…
A disgusting…
A dish
A drink
A fake…
My favourite…
A food
Something that looks/ smells/ tastes/ feels/ sounds good
Someone good looking
A good value…
Someone’s hair
My home
My hometown
An ingredient
My least favourite…
A microwaveable…/
A motorbike
My neighbourhood/ My local area
My neighbours
An overpriced…
A popular…
A raw…
A relative/ A relation/ A member of my family
A restaurant
My room
A smelly…
A sound/ A noise
A spicy…
Two siblings
Two twins
An unusual…/ A unique…/ A weird…/ An odd…
A vegetarian…/ A vegan…
p. 2
Written by Alex Case for © 2021
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