Dissertation survey

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Mar 22, 2022
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Hi guys! I am currently a final year TESOL and Modern Languages student and I need a few (15+) participants to take my questionnaire if possible! My dissertation is regarding student speaking anxiety and how, as teachers, will we help alleviate and assist struggling students with their anxiety. I would be very grateful if you could spare 10-15 minutes to complete my questionnaire! Thank you in advance :)
Dissertation Questionnaire
I'm sorry, but questionnaires that make it clear that they know my email, even if they say they will not share it, are invasive.
I'm sorry, but questionnaires that make it clear that they know my email, even if they say they will not share it, are invasive.
Your email that you can see is just because you are logged into Google, I will not see it should you choose to complete the survey. It's just your progress that it saves, I will not see your e-mail unless you write it in the 1st box regarding interviews. You can take the survey in a private browser where you are not logged into Google and take the survey if anyone else reading this has the similar thoughts
Hi Zara

It seems to me the first set of questions is much too general to be of much use and I'm not sure how you'd like them to be answered. Take Questions 1-3: Well, it depends wildly on the individual student—not only on their respective educational background, and their learner type, but just as much on how long they've been in the class, how familiar they are with the teacher, how familiar they are with their peers, the size of the group, and lots of other things.

Do you really want us to answer these questions in the most general terms? Considering all possible types of student and environment and learning context? Would you mind my asking what you're going to do with your data?
Your email that you can see is just because you are logged into Google, I will not see it should you choose to complete the survey. It's just your progress that it saves, I will not see your e-mail unless you write it in the 1st box regarding interviews. You can take the survey in a private browser where you are not logged into Google and take the survey if anyone else reading this has the similar thoughts
But from a practical perspective, you are asking someone to do something before they have answered anything. Many people refuse to click on links for security reasons. A survey that knows who I am is much less likely to get a response. Can't you switch it off at your end?
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The email is optional - you can skip it and still complete the survey without ever even logging into your Google account.

This question from set #2 seems unnecessarily mutually exclusive:
My students can volunteer answers and I do not call on my students to provide answers

In my class, students can volunteer answers, although I will eventually call on someone if nobody answers a question.

I'm not sure what you mean by or how you define 'fair' here:
All my students get to have fair speaking practice

I agree with Jutfrank's comments about asking us to wildly generalize on set #1, although I also found the 4th question set especially over-generalized. Students vary widely by confidence, personality type, and natural ability. There are students who'd happily never utter a single word in class, and then there are the students you sometimes kind of have to suppress just to give others a chance to participate.

A lot of this ties into personality types (introvert-extrovert) as much as language-learning. A shy student is going to be nervous and anxious in a group setting even when speaking in their native tongue.

I once had a student who could barely utter a comprehensible sentence in English between his horrible pronunciation and complete disregard for English grammar, but had no qualms about speaking 90 miles an hour nearly non-stop in what he just apparently assumed was native-level fluency. He just wanted to talk, and didn't particularly seem to care whether he was understood or not. :D He seemed genuinely baffled when nobody understood him. He didn't give a whit about spelling either, reasoning that anyone could just sound out what he was trying to write, even if misspelled. Sometimes, I wished I had just a fraction of his self-confidence. Other times, I anxiously awaited his next pause to breathe.

Another lady could enunciate English quite clearly with only occasional (and minor) grammatical mistakes - when she so chose. However, she really just wanted me to provide her with endless worksheets and homework, particularly writing assignments. It was like pulling teeth to get her to actually use her excellent command of English.
Your email that you can see is just because you are logged into Google, I will not see it should you choose to complete the survey. It's just your progress that it saves, I will not see your e-mail unless you write it in the 1st box regarding interviews. You can take the survey in a private browser where you are not logged into Google and take the survey if anyone else reading this has the similar thoughts
Are you afraid to share your email?
Are you afraid to share your email?
Many people are reluctant to share their email address with someone they don't know. In the case of this online survey, someone taking it simply has to check they're not logged in to their Google account when they take it. As the OP has already explained, there is no requirement to provide an email address in order to answer the questions.
Many people are reluctant to share their email address with someone they don't know. In the case of this online survey, someone taking it simply has to check they're not logged in to their Google account when they take it. As the OP has already explained, there is no requirement to provide an email address in order to answer the questions.
Well, I see I'm rather careless about my online security. I should be more careful.
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