Video and Teleconference Game


Fun step by step practice of teleconferences and video conferences

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Teleconferences and videoconferences stages game

Before the teleconference really starts

Which of these stages would and wouldn’t you typically have in a videoconference or teleconference in your company?

  • Connect with the other side to make sure the equipment is working
  • Ask someone to set up the equipment and take care of the technical side
  • Chat with the person who is setting up the equipment as they are doing so
  • Arrange when to have the teleconference and who should attend
  • Decide on the agenda
  • Chat with the people at the other end, e.g. until they all arrive
  • Ask someone at your end to take minutes
  • Chat with people your end as they arrive in the meeting room
  • Ask someone your end to chase up missing people
  • Sort out technical problems such as bad sound or picture

Are there any stages which have been missed out above?

Put the ones that you would have into a typical order. Then do the same for the following parts of the meeting:

Starting the actual teleconference

  • Agree on the minutes of the previous conference call
  • Approval of this agenda
  • Introduce the people attending and apologies for people who are absent
  • Explain how the meeting will be organised
  • Confirming names
  • Start on the first point on the agenda


Ending the teleconference

  • O.B.
  • Arrange the next teleconference or video conference
  • Check that no one has anything left to say/ everyone agrees about the last point on the agenda


After the actual teleconference has finished

  • Chat with people your end as they leave
  • Feedback with people your end about how well the teleconference went
  • Chat with the person who packing up the equipment as they do so

Compare your answers to the board game on the next page.

Play this board game in pairs or small groups: Play Rock Paper Scissors to see who starts on the first, second, third etc squares of the game. The person who is furthest back goes first. They should decide on what they would say (or sometimes write) in that situation or roleplay it with a classmate, and the people listening will give them between one and three points depending on how well they did. They can then move that many squares around the board. The first person to THE END is the winner.

Board game

1.      START

Arrange when to have the teleconference and who should take part

2.      Decide on the agenda


3.      Ask someone at your end to take minutes


4.      Ask someone in the office to help you set up the equipment and take care of the technical side

5.      Chat with the person who is setting up the equipment as they are doing so


6.      Chat with people your end as they arrive in the meeting room


7.      Ask someone your end to chase up missing people


8.      Connect with the other side to make sure the equipment is working


9.      Sort out technical problems such as bad sound or picture


10.   Chat with the people at the other end, e.g. until they all arrive


11.   Get down to business


12.   Introduce the people attending and apologies for people who are absent


13.   Confirm names


14.   Explain how the meeting will be organised


15.   Agree on the minutes of the previous teleconference


16.   Approval of the agenda


17.   Start on the first point on the agenda


18.   Check that no one has anything left to say/ everyone agrees about the last point on the agenda

19.   A.O.B.


20.   Arrange the next teleconference or video conference


21.   Close the teleconference


22.   Feedback with people your end about how well the teleconference went


23.   Chat with people your end as they leave


24.   Chat with the person who packing up the equipment as they do so



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