IELTS Speaking- Phrases


Brainstorming useful language for the IELTS Speaking exam

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Useful phrases for IELTS speaking

With a partner, brainstorm at least two phrases into each of the categories below.

Checking understanding of the question





Pausing for thought



Sounding unsure




Giving examples






Checking that you are answering/ have answered the question





Not answering the question





Starting the Part Two presentation




Having no more to say





Compare your answers to the suggested answers below.

Suggested answers

Checking understanding of the question

“Do you mean…?”

“Sorry, I didn’t catch the last word of the question.”

“Can I ask about a word in the question?”

“Should I talk about Japan, or the country that I come from?”


Pausing for thought
“Let me think.”

“Let me see.”

“That’s a difficult question.”

“I’ve never really thought about that before.”

Sounding unsure
“ I don’t remember very well, but…”

“The first thing that comes to mind is…”

“I don’t know a lot about this, but I guess…”

“I’m no expert on this, but I would imagine…”

Giving examples
“For example,…”

“One example of what I am talking about is…”

“Most people my age think…”

Checking that you are answering/ have answered the question

“Sorry, what was the question again?”

“Does that answer your question?”
“What’s the other thing I was supposed to talk about? Let me see. Here it is…”


Not answering the question

“Sorry, I still don’t really understand what you mean.”

“I’m afraid I really don’t know.”

“I can’t really remember.”

Starting the Part Two presentation

“I’d like to talk about…”
“I’m going to speak about…”

Having no more to say

“I think I’ve answered all the questions.”

“That’s all I can think of to say on the topic.”

“That’s the end of my presentation.”


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