IELTS Speaking Part One- Long & Short Answers


How to reply to personal Yes/ No questions in IELTS Speaking Part One

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IELTS Speaking Part One short and long answers

Worksheet 1 – Yes/ No questions

Student A

Take turns choosing one of the sections on your worksheet and asking all the questions in it.

  1. So you are_______________. Is that right?
  2. Do you enjoy your studies/ work? Are you studying anything at the moment? Is there anything you’d like to study in the future?
  3. Are you from around here? Do you often visit your hometown? Do you think _________ is a good place to live in? Would you like to live in your hometown when you retire?
  4. Do you play any musical instruments? Are there any new leisure activities you would like to take up?
  5. Do you have a large family? Do you get on well with your family?
  6. Do you speak any other languages? Did you enjoy English at school?
  7. Are there any festivals you would like to go to? Do you have any plans for your next birthday?
  8. Have you visited many foreign countries? Do you have any plans to travel abroad?

What are the topics above? Label them with your partner without showing your worksheets. (They are in the same order).

How would you define a good answer? How long does it need to be?


Student B

Take turns choosing one of the sections on your worksheet and asking all the questions in it.

  1. So, you are ________________ Did I pronounce that okay?
  2. Are you working at the moment? Do you want to study anything in the future?
  3. Are you from round here? Would you say your is hometown a good place to live? Do you want to live in your hometown when you get older? Is your hometown famous for anything?
  4. Do you have much free time? Do you enjoy playing sports?
  5. Do you have many friends? Did you get on well with your parents when you were a child? Do you live with your family?
  6. Are you studying any other languages? Do you enjoy studying English?
  7. Are birthdays important to you? Does your hometown have any famous festivals?
  8. Have you been to any English-speaking countries? Would you like to live abroad?

What are the topics above? Label them with your partner without showing your worksheets. (They are in the same order).

How would you define a good answer? How long does it need to be?


Worksheet 2 – Short answers

Add short answers below.

Do you enjoy your studies/ work? Yes                 No


Do you have any plans to travel abroad? Yes                  No


Does your hometown have any famous festivals? Yes   No


Is your hometown famous for anything? Yes                    No


Are birthdays important to you? Yes                    No


Are you studying anything at the moment? Yes                             No


Is there anything you’d like to study in the future? Yes                 No


Are there any new hobbies you’d like to take up? Yes                 No


Did you enjoy English at school? Yes No Did I pronounce that okay? Yes                         No


Have you visited many foreign countries? Yes                 No


Would you like to live in your hometown when you retire? Yes                 No


Make those answers slightly longer (in a natural way), e.g. “Yes, I do. I love it.”


What is a polite way to say “No”, e.g. if the examiner asks you “Did I pronounce your name okay?”


Take turns asking each other just one of the questions above over and over, giving a slightly longer answer each time. After you have both given up making it longer, discuss which answer was the most natural/ the best.


Worksheet 3 – Follow up questions

Match these yes/ no questions to the follow-up questions below:

Yes/ No questions

  1. Are birthdays important to you?
  2. Are you from Tokyo?
  3. Are you working at the moment?
  4. Did you enjoy English at school?
  5. Did you get on well with your parents when you were a child?
  6. Do you enjoy playing sports?
  7. Do you enjoy your studies/ work?
  8. Do you get on well with your family?
  9. Do you have any plans for your next birthday?
  10. Do you have any plans to travel abroad?
  11. Do you have much free time?
  12. Do you live with your family?
  13. Do you often visit your hometown?
  14. Do you play any musical instruments?
  15. Do you speak any other languages?
  16. Do you think _________ is a good place to live in?
  17. Have you been to any English-speaking countries?
  18. Have you visited many foreign countries?
  19. Is there anything you’d like to study in the future?
  20. Would you say your hometown a good place to live?


Follow up questions

  1. Are there any other celebrations which are more so?
  2. Did you start when you were young?
  3. Do most people feel that way?
  4. Have you had a job before?
  5. How do you keep fit?
  6. What about now?
  7. What are the advantages of living alone?
  8. What did you think about it/ them?
  9. What is your level?
  10. What kind of people would it suit?
  11. What kinds of reasons do you go back for?
  12. What kinds of things do you disagree on?
  13. What most interests you?
  14. What was your favourite place and why?
  15. What were your lessons like?
  16. What would you do if you had more?
  17. What’s your favourite thing about it?
  18. Where would you like to go?
  19. Whereabouts?/ Which part?
  20. Will it be similar to your last one, do you think?


Suggested answers

Other answers may be possible

  1. Are birthdays important to you? Are there any other celebrations which are more so? (A) 2. Are you from Tokyo? Whereabouts?/ Which part? (S)
  2. Are you working at the moment? Have you had a job before? (D)
  3. Did you enjoy English at school? What were your lessons like? (O)
  4. Did you get on well with your parents when you were a child? What about now? (F)
  5. Do you enjoy playing sports? How do you keep fit? (E)
  6. Do you enjoy your studies/ work? What’s your favourite thing about it? (Q)
  7. Do you get on well with your family? What kinds of things do you disagree on? (L)
  8. Do you have any plans for your next birthday? Will it be similar to your last one, do you think? (T)
  9. Do you have any plans to travel abroad? Where would you like to go? (R)
  10. Do you have much free time? What would you do if you had more? (P)
  11. Do you live with your family? What are the advantages of living alone? (G)
  12. Do you often visit your hometown? What kinds of reasons do you go back for? (K)
  13. Do you play any musical instruments? Did you start when you were young? (B)
  14. Do you speak any other languages? What is your level? (I)
  15. Do you think _________ is a good place to live in? Do most people feel that way? (C) 17. Have you been to any English-speaking countries? What did you think about it/ them? (H)
  16. Have you visited many foreign countries? What was your favourite place and why? (N)
  17. Is there anything you’d like to study in the future? What most interests you? (M)
  18. Would you say your hometown a good place to live? What kind of people would it suit? (J)

Ask and answer questions from above, only using the follow up questions if you need to. You may have to use different follow up questions, depending on the answer.


Worksheet 4 – Other short answers

Student A

The following questions could also be answered with a few words. Ask and answer them in the same way as above in pairs, making up follow-up questions if you need to.

  1. Would you prefer me to use your first name or your family name?
  2. Are you working or are you a student? What job do you hope to be doing in ten years’ time? What was your favourite subject at school? Who was your favourite teacher at school?
  3. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? How often do you go back to your hometown? What is the name of your hometown?
  4. Do you prefer to go out or stay at home in the evenings? How much free time do you have? What type of music do you enjoy most? When was the last time you went out?
  5. Do you take after your mother or your father?
  6. How long have you been studying English?
  7. What is the next big celebration in your family?
  8. Do you live in a house or a flat? What is your favourite room in the place where you live?
  9. What countries would you like to visit? J Who does the cooking in your family/ house?

Ask more questions on the same topics as above.


Student B

The following questions could also be answered with a few words. Ask and answer them in the same way as above in pairs, making up follow up questions if you need to.

  1. Should I call you _____________ or ______________? Do you prefer Mrs, Miss or Ms? B What do you do for a living? What is the most interesting aspect/ part of your studies/ work? What job would you like to do in the future?
  2. Where did you live when you were a child? Are you from the country or the city? When are you next going back to your hometown? Where is your family from?
  3. What type of films do you like? What do you usually do in the evening? What did you do last weekend?
  4. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Which of your parents do you most resemble?
  5. How much time do you spend studying English every week?
  6. When did you last go to a festival? What is the most important day of the year for you?
  7. What sort of home do you live in?
  8. What part of the world would you most like to travel in?
  9. Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant?

Ask more questions on the same topics as above.

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