IELTS Speaking- Candidate & Examiner Game


What you will hear and what you should say in IELTS Speaking

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IELTS Speaking- Candidate & Examiner Game

What you will hear and what you should say in IELTS Speaking

Without looking below, try to spot if the phrases you hear are likely to be by the examiner or candidate and raise the right one of the cards that you are given. If you think it could be both, raise both cards. 

Label the sections below with E for examiner or Y for you. The phrases are grouped together, so if you don’t understand every phrase you can guess from the others.

Actually, this topic was an easy one for me because…


Almost everyone…


And you are?

But don’t you think that…?

But isn’t it also true that…?


As far as I know,…

Based on just my own experience,…

But others would probably say that…

But you could also say that…


Can I just check your name?

Can I see your ID, please?

Can you show me some identification?


Can I just check…?

Can I speak about…?

Can you explain that another way?

Can you repeat the question?


Can you rephrase the question?

Can you say that one more time, please?

Could you explain the meaning of…?

Could you explain what… means?


Can you spell your full name for me, please?

First I’d like to ask you about…

First you have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

First, you have one minute to prepare.


Could you repeat the last part of the question?

Do you want to know… or…?

Does that include…?

Excuse me. Can I ask what one word means?

For instance,…


Here is your task.

Here is your topic sheet.

How do you say your name?

How do you spell your name?

How should I pronounce your name?


From what I’ve heard…

Have I covered everything?

Here it is.

Here you are.

Hmm, let me think.


However, I can also see that…

I can’t remember exactly, but…

I can’t remember what it is called in English, but it’s a kind of…

I can’t think of anything else to say.


I can’t think of the word at the moment, but it’s something like…

I could have chosen many things to speak about, but I picked…

I could only think of one thing that matched this topic, which is…

I haven’t heard much about this before, but…


I haven’t read much about this, but…

I really think that…

I strongly believe that…

I think that’s all I was supposed to speak about.


If I understand correctly, you want me to tell you…

In my case,…

In my honest opinion,…

In my limited experience,…

In my personal opinion,…


In the first part of the test…

I’d like to ask you a few questions about yourself, if that is okay.

Let’s start with some questions about you, if you don’t mind.

Let’s start with…


Is it okay to speak about…?

Is the question… or…?

Does… count as…?


It’s absolutely crucial.

It’s absolutely fundamental.

It’s absolutely vital.

It’s clearly…


It’s definitely…

It’s incredibly important.

It’s pronounced…

It’s spelt…

It’s… but you can call me…

It’s…, like…

It’s…, … for short.


I’d like to talk about…

I’m absolutely certain that…

I’m afraid I know very little about this topic, but perhaps…

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the word…


I’m convinced that…

I’m going to talk about…

I’m no expert on this, but it might…

I’m positive that…


I’m really happy that I got this topic because…

I’m sorry, I don’t understand the word…

I’m still not quite sure what the question means.


I’ve chosen to speak about…

I’ve forgotten…, but…

I’ve never really thought about that before, but I suppose…

Just to check…


My name’s… but everyone calls me…

My personal impression is…

No one’s ever asked me that before, but I guess…


Now I would like you to give a short presentation…

Now I would like you to talk on your own for one or two minutes…

Please begin your presentation.


Please sit down here.

Please start speaking when you are ready.

Please take a seat over here.


Now, I’d like to ask you about…

Now, let’s talk about…

Okay, thank you. Now…

Okay. Let’s move onto…


On the other hand, it’s also true that…

Please call me…

Please use my nickname, which is…

Should I talk about… or…?


So, you’re asking…?

Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part of the question.

Sorry, I still don’t understand.


Please use this paper and pencil if you would like to make notes about what you want to say.

Thank you. That is the end of…

What would you like me to call you?

Why do you feel that way?


Sorry. Could you explain this word here?

That’s a difficult question.

That’s a tricky one.

That’s all I can think of to say.

That’s an interesting question.


The chief benefit is...

The main advantage is…

The main reason for this is…

The most important selling point is…


The only thing I could think of to speak about is…

The spelling is…

The vast majority of people…


This is mainly because…

This is mostly due to…

To be honest,…


This is just my opinion, but…

To give an example of what I mean,…

Well, let me see.

Without a doubt…


To start with…

What makes you say that?

What name would you like me to use?

What should I call you?


Yes, that’s fine.

Yes, that’s right.

You can make notes to help you if you like.

You mentioned… How do you feel about…?

You said… Do you also think that…?

Check your answers as a class, then play the same game in pairs or threes.

Without looking above for now, try to remember or think of as many phrases as you into each of the categories below.



When you first enter the room




Starting Part One




Responses to your questions




Changing topic in IELTS Speaking Part One




Starting Speaking Part Two




Interrupting you/ Ending your speaking/ Ending the test




Prompting more discussion






Telling your name and showing your ID




When you don’t understand the question




Checking if something matches the question





Phrases for when the question doesn’t quite match your situation





Pausing for thought/ Filling silence/ Dealing with difficult questions





Starting IELTS Speaking Part Two





Ending Speaking Part Two





Strong opinions





Weak opinions





Looking at both sides





Talking about importance





Supporting your arguments



Partial answers – phrases to find matches for

Use these phrases to help you with the last activity, adding them to the right place and trying to think of at least one more phrase which means the same thing.


And you are?

But isn’t it also true that…?

Can you show me some identification?

First I’d like to ask you about…

First you have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

Here is your topic sheet.

How do you say your name?

How do you spell your name?

Let’s start with some questions about you, if you don’t mind.

Now I would like you to give a short presentation…

Okay. Let’s move onto…

Please begin your presentation.

Please sit down here.

Please use this paper and pencil if you would like to make notes about what you want to say.

Thank you. That is the end of…

To start with…

What makes you say that?

What name would you like me to use?

Yes, that’s right.

You mentioned… How do you feel about…?



Based on just my own experience,…

Can you repeat the question?

Can you rephrase the question?

Could you explain the meaning of…?

Does… count as…?

From what I’ve heard…

Here it is.

However, I can also see that…

I can’t remember what it is called in English, but it’s a kind of…

I can’t think of anything else to say.

I could only think of one thing that matched this topic, which is…

I haven’t read much about this, but…

I really think that…

I think that’s all I was supposed to speak about.

In my case,…

In my honest opinion,…

Is it okay to speak about…?

Is the question… or…?

It’s absolutely vital.

It’s clearly…

It’s pronounced…

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the word…

I’m no expert on this, but it might…

I’m positive that…

I’m really happy that I got this topic because…

I’m still not quite sure what the question means.

I’ve chosen to speak about…

I’ve forgotten…, but…

Just to check…

My name’s… but everyone calls me…

My personal impression is…

No one’s ever asked me that before, but I guess…

So, you’re asking…?

Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part of the question.

Sorry. Could you explain this word here?”

That’s a tricky one.

The most important selling point is…

The spelling is…

The vast majority of people…

This is mostly due to…

To give an example of what I mean,…

Well, let me see.


Try to find other suitable phrases from the first worksheet above.


Suggested answers


When you first enter the room

Please sit down here.- Please take a seat over here.

Can I see your ID, please? - Can you show me some identification?

Can I just check your name? – And you are?

Can you spell your full name for me, please? - How do you spell your name?

What would you like me to call you? - What should I call you? – What name would you like me to use?

How do you say your name? - How should I pronounce your name?


Starting Part One

In the first part of the test… - To start with…

I’d like to ask you a few questions about yourself, if that is okay. – Let’s start with some questions about you, if you don’t mind.

Let’s start with… - First I’d like to ask you about…


Responses to your questions

Yes, that’s fine. – Yes, that’s right.


Changing topic in IELTS Speaking Part One

Now, I’d like to ask you about… - Okay. Let’s move onto… - Now, let’s talk about…


Starting Speaking Part Two

Now I would like you to give a short presentation… - Now I would like you to talk on your own for one or two minutes…

First you have one minute to think about what you are going to say. – First, you have one minute to prepare.

You can make notes to help you if you like. – Please use this paper and pencil if you would like to make notes about what you want to say.

Here is your topic sheet. – Here is your task.

Please start speaking when you are ready. - Please begin your presentation.


Interrupting you/ Ending your speaking/ Ending the test

Okay, thank you. Now… - Thank you. That is the end of…


Prompting more discussion

But don’t you think that…? – But isn’t it also true that…?

Why do you feel that way? - What makes you say that?

You said… Do you also think that…? – You mentioned… How do you feel about…?



Telling your name and showing your ID

It’s… but you can call me… - It’s…, … for short – My name’s… but everyone calls me… - Please use my nickname, which is…- Please call me…

It’s pronounced… - It’s…, like…

It’s spelt… - The spelling is…

Here you are. - Here it is.


When you don’t understand the question

Can you say that one more time, please? - Can you repeat the question?

Could you repeat the last part of the question? – Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part of the question.

Can you explain that another way? – Can you rephrase the question?

Could you explain what… means? – Could you explain the meaning of…?

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the word…- I’m sorry, I don’t understand the word…

Excuse me. Can I ask what one word means? – Sorry. Could you explain this word here?”

Can I just check…? - Just to check…

So, you’re asking…? – If I understand correctly, you want me to tell you…

Should I talk about… or…? – Do you want to know… or…? – Is the question… or…?

Sorry, I still don’t understand. – I’m still not quite sure what the question means.


Checking if something matches the question

Is it okay to speak about…? – Can I speak about…?

Does that include…? – Does… count as…?


Phrases for when the question doesn’t quite match your situation

Actually,… - In my case,…


Pausing for thought/ Filling silence/ Dealing with difficult questions

That’s a difficult question.- That’s a tricky one. - That’s an interesting question.

Hmm, let me think. – Well, let me see.

I can’t remember exactly, but… - I’ve forgotten…, but…

I can’t think of the word at the moment, but it’s something like… - I can’t remember what it is called in English, but it’s a kind of…


Starting IELTS Speaking Part Two

I’d like to talk about… - I’m going to talk about… - I’ve chosen to speak about…

The only thing I could think of to speak about is… - I could only think of one thing that matched this topic, which is…

I could have chosen many things to speak about, but I picked… - Actually, this topic was an easy one for me because… - I’m really happy that I got this topic because…


Ending Speaking Part Two

I can’t think of anything else to say. – That’s all I can think of to say.

Have I covered everything? – I think that’s all I was supposed to speak about.


Strong opinions

I really think that… - I strongly believe that…

To be honest,… - In my honest opinion,…

I’m convinced that… - I’m positive that…

It’s clearly… - It’s definitely – Without a doubt… I’m absolutely certain that…


Weak opinions

As far as I know,… - From what I’ve heard…

Based on just my own experience,… - In my limited experience,…

I haven’t heard much about this before, but… - I haven’t read much about this, but…

I’ve never really thought about that before, but I suppose… - No one’s ever asked me that before, but I guess…

I’m afraid I know very little about this topic, but perhaps… - I’m no expert on this, but it might…

My personal impression is… - This is just my opinion, but… - In my personal opinion,…


Looking at both sides

But you could also say that… - On the other hand, it’s also true that… - But others would probably say that… - However, I can also see that…


Talking about importance

It’s absolutely crucial. – It’s absolutely fundamental – It’s absolutely vital. – It’s incredibly important.


Supporting your arguments

This is mainly because… - The main reason for this is… - This is mostly due to…

To give an example of what I mean,… - For instance,…

The main advantage is… - The chief benefit is... – The most important selling point is…

The vast majority of people… - Almost everyone…


Say one of the matched sentences and see if your partner can remember the sentence that means the same thing.

Say some sentences which need replies and reply to them in pairs.


Cards to cut up

One of each per student.






































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