IELTS Speaking Part One- Dice Game
Different topics and times IELTS Speaking game
Lesson Plan Content:
IELTS Speaking Part One dice game
Take turns rolling the dice twice to decide what kind of IELTS Speaking Part One-style personal question your partner should ask you:
First roll of the dice
1 = Arts and media
2 = IELTS and language studies
3 = Hobbies, interests and free time
4 = Work and studies
5 = Hometown
6 = Accommodation
Second roll of the dice
1 = Distant past
2 = Recent past
3 = Past and present
4 = Present
5 = Future plans or arrangements
6 = Future predictions/ imagination or desires
Work together to write six Speaking Part One-style personal questions that together combine all six topics and times/ tenses.
Compare with the suggested questions below. Many other questions are possible, so please check if you made different questions.
Ask about any questions you don’t know how to answer, etc.
Play the same dice game, but this time with the examiner reading out the questions below which match the numbers on the dice.
Use the script on the last page to ask similar questions in exam format.
Suggested questions
One: Arts and media
- Did you like art when you were a child? (What other subjects did you like?)
- When did you last go to an exhibition? (How was it?)
- Have you ever bought any art? (What kind of art would you be interested in buying?)
- Are you reading anything at the moment? (What kinds of books do you usually like?)
- Do you have any plans to see a movie? (Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch DVDs?)
- Do you think your taste in music will change as you get older? (Why/ Why not?)/ Are there any exhibitions you would like to see? (What is the best place for exhibitions in this city?)
Two: Language studies and IELTS
- Did you enjoy language classes at school? (Why/ Why not?)
- When did you last speak English outside the classroom? (Did you have any problems communicating?)
- How long have you been studying English? (Has you English improved much recently?)/ Have you studied any other languages? (Which languages are popular in your country?)
- How long do you spend studying and using foreign languages in an average week? (Do you think that’s enough?)/ Why are you taking the IELTS exam?/ Why is it important for you to learn English?
- What are you going to do after you get the score you need in the IELTS?
- Do you want to study any other languages?
Three: Hobbies, interests and free time
- How did you spend your evenings when you were at primary school?
- Did you do anything last weekend? (Was that typical for you?)/ What did you do last night?
- Have you had much free time this week? (What did you do with the time you had?)
- Do you have any hobbies?/ How much free time do you have?/ What do you like doing in your free time?/ What do you usually do on your days off?
- Do you have any plans for the weekend?/ Do you have any plans for the next public holiday?
- What would you do if you had more free time?/ How do you think you will spend your time after you retire?
Four: Work and studies
- What subjects did you like at school? (Why?)
- When did you last take an exam? (How was it?)
- How long have you been working where you do/ studying what you do?
- What do you do?/ Are you working or are you a student?
- Do you have a career plan?/ Do you have any plans to study abroad?
- Is there anything you’d like to study in the future?
Five: Hometown
- Where did you grow up? (How do you feel about that place now?)/ Were you born near here? (Where exactly?)
- When did you last visit your home town? (Did you enjoy that visit?)
- Has your hometown changed much recently? (Why do you think that might be the case?)
- How often do you visit your hometown? (Are you happy with that?) Is your hometown famous for anything?
- When are you next planning to go back to your hometown?
- Would you like to live in your hometown when you retire? (Why/ Why not?)/ How will your hometown change in the next ten years, do you think?
Six: Accommodation
- What kind of home did you grow up in?/ What was your childhood home like?
- When did you last move house? (How was the move?)
- How long have you been living in your present accommodation?/ Have you ever lived on your own? (Do you think you suit that way of living?)
- What sort of home do you live in?/ What kind of accommodation do you live in?/ Do you like the place where you are living?
- Do you have any plans to move? (Why?/ Why not?)
- What would your perfect home be like?
IELTS Speaking Part One exam practice
Use the questions above to practise this part of the exam. Start with the candidate standing and the examiner using this script:
“Come in and take a seat. Good morning/ afternoon. Can I see your ID?”
“Thank you. My name’s ___________________. Can you tell me your full name, please?”
“So, what would you like me to call you?”
“Okay (name), in the first part of the test, I’d like to ask you a few questions about yourself, if that’s okay.”
“Let’s start with (name of the topic)”
(examiner asks two or three questions on that topic, mixing up present, past and future and sometimes using follow-up questions – but only if the initial answers are short)
“Now, I’d like to ask you about (name of the topic)”
(examiner asks questions on that topic using the follow up questions only if the initial answers are short, stopping after two or three questions or when four or five minutes is up)
Optional, depending on time: “Okay. Let’s move onto (name of the topic)”
(examiner asks questions until four or five minutes is up)
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