Reading Exam Tactics- Discussion Questions
Doing well in reading tests discussion
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Reading exam tactics discussion questions
Discuss these aspects of the reading task that you did.
What things about the task make it difficult to complete? How can you tackle those things?
What things about the task make it easier? How can you use those things to help you?
What other tactics can you use?
What should you first do when you turn the page of the Reading paper and see this text and task?
What should you do after that, and in what order?
How can you save time?/ How can you make sure you spend the right amount of time on the task?
What should you do if you are short of time?/ How can you make it easier to guess?
What can you do if you have extra time?/ How can you check that your answers are correct?
Compare your answers as a class.
Do the same for a different part of the exam that your teacher gives you.
What things are similar and different to the part of the exam that you discussed above?
Use suitable tactics while you complete that reading task.
How can you best prepare for the (those two parts of and the whole) reading exam outside of class?
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