Useful Phrases for Reports- Sentence Completion


Common sentences in business reports presentation and practice through gapped sentences to discuss and complete, with different ways of writing numbers and an optional extension with insurance vocabulary - good for financial English classes.

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Useful Phrases for Reports- Sentence Completion

Together use the sentence stems on these two pages to write as many things as you can

that you both agree with. If there are two similar stems next to each other, just choose


Useful phrases for talking about numbers in reports

Almost all company departments _______________________________________.

Almost all __________________________________________________________.

The majority of employees ______________________________________________.

Most ______________________________________________________________.

Many directors ____________________________________________________.

A large number of ___________________________________________________.

Some companies __________________________________________________.

A number of __________________________________________________________.

A small number of investors ___________________________________________.

(A) few ______________________________________________________________.

Almost no products ____________________________________________________.

Almost no ____________________________________________________________.

Over three quarters of customers ________________________________________.

Over ______________s of ____________________________________________.

More than ____________________________________________________________.

Under a third of older employees ______________________________________.

Under a ______________ of ______________________________________________.

Less than ____________________________________________________________.

Around fifty percent of managers _______________________________________.

About _________percent of ______________________________________________.

More or less ___________________________________________.

p. 1

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

Other useful phrases for reports

We want to find out _________________________________________________.

______________ sent out a questionnaire and found that ________________.

If we did a survey, we would probably find that _________________________.

Research shows that ______________________________________________.

In a report on ________________________, it was shown that _____________./

According to a report on _________, ___________________________________.

According to ______________________, _______________________________.

One problem with _______________ is that ____________________________.

One issue with _____________________________________________________.

We predict that _________________ will ________________________ by 2030.

We forecast that __________________________________________________.

We strongly recommend ___________________________________________.

It’s important for __________________________ to ______________________.

We would be able to improve ______________________ by _______________./

_______________________ would have a good effect on _________________.

We would probably recommend _____________________________________./

_______________________________ should probably ___________________.

It is worth considering _____________________________________________./ We

should think about ________________________________________________.

We wouldn’t recommend _________________________________________./

____________________ shouldn’t ___________________________________.

Share a sentence with the other group(s) and see if they agree.

Ask about any sentences that you can’t understand, couldn’t complete, etc, working

together to complete them each time.

p. 2

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

Brainstorm words that mean the same as each of these things, use the mixed answers

below to help, then check above by looking at sentence stems that are next to each other.

 the majority of

 a large number of

 a number of

 a small number of

 over…

 75%

 less than

 33.3%

 around…/ approximately…

 a half

 we would like to…

 (email) survey

 an issue

 predict
 … should…

 consider

p. 3

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

Mixed answers


a third

about/ Roughly

few/ a few



more or less

more than…





think about

three quarters



we recommend…

Try to agree on and write similar sentences about these insurance-related topics.

 accidents/ crashes

 agents/ brokers

 audits/ auditors

 bankruptcies

 casualties

 claims

 claims adjusters

 compliance

 contracts

 coverage

 customer loyalty – switching insurance companies

 customers/ policy holders

 disabilities

 exclusions/ small print

 false claims

 fire

 forms

 fraud


 H&S/ health and safety

 inspections

 life expectancy/ average age

 lifestyle diseases (diabetes, cancer, etc)

 M&A/ takeovers

 natural disasters

 premiums

 quotations

 risk

 SMEs

 underwriting

p. 4

Written by Alex Case for © 2022

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