Richard Flynn's Contributions
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Total results: 9,781 | Showing page 4 of 392
[Chatlish] SWIDT
[Cockney Rhyming Slang] Ball of fat
[English Slang] Novid
[English Slang] Snag
[English Slang] You're fired
[Phrasal Verb] Level down
[Idiom] Whale
[Phrasal Verb] Tap out
[Cockney Rhyming Slang] Andy Farley
[Phrasal Verb] Clue in on
[English Slang] ALLCAPatriots
[Phrasal Verb] Puke up
[Idiom] Throw in the sponge
[Chatlish] YYSSW
[English Slang] Steezy
[Phrasal Verb] Buckle up
[English Slang] Meat puppet
[Chatlish] XH
[English Slang] Staycation
[English Slang] Monkey dust
[Idiom] Feel your oats
[English Slang] Corona party
[Idiom] Ball of chalk
[Cockney Rhyming Slang] Bottle of beer
[Idiom] Shake in your boots
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