Likes problem

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The Likes system is playing up at the moment. We have asked for technical support from the maker and hope to resolve this quickly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
What is the tentative date for the remedy?
Soon, I hope- it's driving me up the wall. :-(
I am trying everything to fix this, but in vain... (so far!). What's more, their site is down at the moment so I can't get technical support for the time being. Hopefully this will resolve itself soon.

Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience.
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In the interim, is it possible (from your end) to disable the Like/Thank/Dislike completely? I wonder if that might not actually be slightly less irritating for everyone.
Thanks for all your hard work to get this sorted, especially on a Sunday.
@ ems
IMO disabling the L/T/D buttons will only create more frustration among the members. Look at the controversy that occurred when the "Disagree" button was introduced! Disabling all buttons will only generate an influx of comments, questions, and opinions that will require additional postings from Tdol and Red5. I recommend we go with the flow until the fix is ready. ;-)
I disagree with ems on this occasion for the reasons stated by Amigos.
Fair enough.
But I'm sure, like me, you agree with the "thanks for your hard work part."
Not complaining, only providing information: still not working correctly at 2014/04/2340 GMT -5. Had a like that disappeared before I could view it.

Definitely agree with the "thanks for your hard work part."
In the spirit of the probus post above: I have just posted on General Members' Discussions indicating my agreement with the arguments against the "Disagree/Dislike" button. However my Likes seem to have replaced, not added to, any earlier Likes on individual posts.
I think that might just be a display issue. My page is now showing some results, so fixes are coming through.
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I think that the Likes system is close to being fixed. I now have new 'likes' showing up in my profile and I can unlike posts again too.

The problem was due to a corrupt database which therefore meant that data was not being saved correctly. We seem now to have fixed most of the problems, however, it looks like the system has not recorded any likes from early April to today. The good news is that it seems to be working OK now.

Please test it out and feel free to reply to this thread with any observations to let me know if it is, or is not working as expected.

Thanks for your patience :up: :)
It certainly seems to be working. I have Liked 3 posts and my username has shown up in addition to other names on each one. I also Unliked one and my Like vanished correctly.

Thanks so much for all your hard work on this.
Sorry it took so long.
It certainly seems to be working. I have Liked 3 posts and my username has shown up in addition to other names on each one. I also Unliked one and my Like vanished correctly.

Thanks so much for all your hard work on this.

Not complaining, just providing information.

Not to me it doesn't. Today, April 26, I am still being told I have not received a like since April 3. I am pretty sure this is untrue, because several times between then and now the system has told me, plausibly, that I had new likes but then I couldn't see them.

Perhaps those likes have been lost forever, and if so, so be it. It's of no importance. In my limited experience, however, that is not how relational databases work. On the few occasions when ours became corrupted, we were able to get it back whole and complete. Perhaps we were just lucky. But also possible is the idea that the problem is not yet fixed.
@ probus
I'd like to think we could get all our Likes back from 4th April when it went down, but if they weren't registering on a database, then they're lost. My Likes are back, but apparently the problem is not yet fixed for you.
What the Notification is telling you (in reality) is that you've received no Likes since 24th April when the system started working again. No one received Likes between 4th and 24th. Have you checked your posts of the last few days to see if you've received any likes. The other thing you can do is to Like someone's post, and that should (unfortunately, I think; and unless it has been changed) show in Notifications.
Probus, I have both liked and thanked your post- are they showing up?
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