Please help me improve the following email. Thanks!

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Apr 17, 2008
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Please help me improve the following email. Thanks!

I would like to report that having reviewed the online training courses footages from the supplier, I find that the sayings from Mr.A, a participant of the training course, are partially substantive and the details of my observations are summarized as below:

1) It is true that the volume of the footage are generally less than satisfied. Hoarse voice, echo excess and even bad voice occurred occasionally, particularly during early part of the footage. Similarly, there was without background music on several occasions, which would possibly affect the training atmosphere for the participants. However, it is untrue that the picture of the footage was as bad as Mr. A stated and I believe the quality and smoothness of footage picture were satisfied.

2) It is correct that there was without name plate about the coach for the training course, especially at the beginning stage and the coach once existed at the small screen rather than large screen, which probably made the participants difficult to identify the coach and follow her instructions. Nevertheless, the supplier immediately solved the problem by adding the name about the coach. On the other hand, lip-sync problem with the sound from the coach sporadically occurred throughout the running of the footage, which also affected the participants learning process.

To conclude, the above online training courses are admittedly newly-introduced things and there is certainly a room for further improvement. I will closely monitor the running of the training courses and keep you informed of any discrepancies found and try to rectify these immediately.
Is this a simple review of a training video, the response to a complaint, or a legal document? It has the characteristics of all three. Before we continue, please give us the context because it might well have a bearing on the changes we make.
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