You can't teach

You can't teach an old ____ new tricks

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Nov 13, 2002
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You can find the answer here.
:lol: I love this one.
It is difficult to make someone change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time
A similar expression to this is: "a leopard never changes its spots".
Notice that both of these sayings feature two different animals?
When we talk about a person who finds it difficult to change their way of doing something, we often refer to them as 'a creature of habit'.
Re: You can't teach myself a new proverb? ;)

I've just found this website which looks very interesting for my needs of improving my English.

I know a proverb in French like this one but with a monkey and faces... Then I felt in the horses's trap.

I recently realised with an ipad and a translator that I have difficulties to formulate corrects sentenses (by the place of a verb, articl, subject... Must normally be).

We can't teach a monkey faces... By looking on dog's proverb above, it makes me thinking about the circus, which if I am not wrong a very old way to do it in Europe.

Greetings from France and Belgium.
Re: You can't teach myself a new proverb? ;)

Ohh dog ! :-D