Hi. I'm setting up a small ESL Moodle site for my Spanish students so would be happy to record a few audios if I could use them as well. I was thinking of just getting friends to assist, thus a range of different voices. Hopefully I could get good enough quality using a conference facility but if not I'd record them when I'm back in blightie (every 3 months). As for authentic I was thinking of doing interviews about the helpers real lives so semi-authentic. Obviously some scripting would be needed to get the content right. And then as Piscean suggests further truly authentic material cold be added to complete the picture.
Maybe if you accrued a few volunteers and tested on-line recording it may be surprising what can be done. After all it only takes a few minutes once set up.
I'm from southern England, male and 64. I offer that as I guess you'll need a mix of ages, accents, sex.
any one else got an hour or so to help?
Cheers and good luck with it.
It sounds great. I would appreciate the help of volunteers. But there are a few poiints I need to clarify. The objectives of our (yours and mine) coursebooks may be different. I already have the texts on the topics I need for my students to make recordings of and I have two options:
1) to ask a native speaking volunteer to change them using the same or similar expressions (ideas) as in the texts, create absolutely new texts and then record them, so that no one's copywright rights were involved.
2) I will change the texts myself (or create new ones using as much vocabulary we need to include). In this case, as I am not a native speaker, the texts will be unnatural and "frozen". The native speaker could help improve them and then record them.
So, yes, the texts will be more academic than authentic anyway, but we need academic texts, not just very natural authentic texts (we can always find proper authentic texts online, it's no problem these days. What I need is a big CONCENTRATION of VOCABULARY ON ONE TOPIC in every text.
I would be happy to include the volunteer as the author of the coursebook, so it could be published by him/her too.
But then again, there is one more problen:
I need as much standard British accent as possible (here in Russia a lot of people dream of mastering British accent, it's our national peculiarity, I hope our American friends won't be hurt).
It would be great to have a wide range of speakers, but one or two would also do perfectly well.
There is one more point as these are academic texts, I need very distinct comprehensive pronunciation with as little individual features as possible (as if read by Professor Higgins or Elisa Doolittle when she already learned to speak well