Meetings- vocabulary of opinions practice
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Meetings vocabulary opinions practice
Read out one of the opinions below and back it up with reasons why you think that way. Your
partner should guess whether that really is your opinion or not, and then give their own reaction.
This is just my opinion, but I think that PowerPoint has made meetings worse
I strongly believe that the unions should have a place in every board meeting
In my humble opinion, there should be a way of forcing your boss to stop rambling and stick to
the agenda
I think that the minutes should be taken by the most junior person in the meeting
In my personal opinion, the minutes should be taken by whoever is best at taking notes
Personally, I think that everyone should take notes in all meetings, even if they will get a copy of
the minutes afterwards
I really think that small talk at the beginning of a meeting should be kept to an absolute minimum
If you ask me, things should almost always be decided by consensus rather than a show of hands
The way I see it, meetings should just be to rubber stamp decisions which are made by prior
individual consultation with all the people involved
In my honest opinion, haggling over your pay package is humiliating. It should all be decided
I would say that all meetings should have a fag break every hour
Frankly, most meetings are a waste of time
In my experience, it’s better to play it by ear than to decide on a fallback position in advance
I would imagine that there’s no such thing as a win-win negotiation
To be frank, there is no good reason for a meeting to overrun
If you want my opinion, I’d say that the venue is the most important thing for a meeting to go well
As far as I’m concerned, a verbal agreement is the same as a written contract
Not everyone will agree with me, but I think that the best way to break a deadlock is to bring
someone else into the meeting
Written by Alex Case for © 2010
This might be a bit controversial but I would say that teleconferences are better than face to face
meetings because they tend to be shorter
Without a doubt, longwinded bosses are the worst kind
I’m convinced that a direct chairperson is better than a tactful one
I’m absolutely certain that no one listens while the minutes to the last meeting are being read out
I’m positive that action minutes are the best kind
With some reservations, I’d probably say that renegotiating agreements is unfair business
I’m not sure about this, but I would guess that laser pointers look very uncool nowadays
As far as I know, interrupting your boss in meetings is okay in Europe and American
Do the same, but with the person responding taking or pointing at one of the cards below to decide
what opinion they should give.
Go through the list above and tick the ones you agree with, put a cross next to those you disagree
with, and put a question mark next to those which you aren’t sure about
Compare your answers with a partner and discuss those you have different views about
Check the meaning of any of the words in bold that you aren’t sure about
Strong agreement
Weak agreement
Weak or polite
Weak agreement
Strong agreement
Weak or polite
Strong agreement
Weak or polite
Weak agreement
Written by Alex Case for © 2010
Without looking back at the previous worksheet, write down useful language for each of the
functions you used in the activities above
Giving your opinion strongly
Giving your opinion weakly
Strong agreement
Strong disagreement
Weak agreement
Weak or polite disagreement
Written by Alex Case for © 2010
Look at the phrases on the top worksheet one more time and see if you can add anything to the
Written by Alex Case for © 2010
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