Finding patterns in verb patterns
Verbs with similar and opposite meanings that share both taking gerund, both taking infinitive, efc
Lesson Plan Content:
Finding patterns in verb patterns
There are few rules in verb patterns, but there are patterns which can make them easier to remember, such as verbs which:
- have the same meaning and the same verb pattern(s) (e.g. both verb + someone + verb)
- have opposite meanings and the same verb pattern(s)
Perhaps after brainstorming examples, try to put the verbs on the following page together in these categories. The verbs can all match at least one other verb, and some match more than one.
Verbs with the same meaning and the same verb pattern
Verbs with the same meaning and the same two verb patterns
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same verb pattern
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same two verb patterns (with the same changes in meaning between them)
Mixed verbs with related meanings and the same verb patterns
Note that the verbs are just A to Z, so the columns have no special meaning.
abhor admit
agree allow
appear appreciate
begin can’t stand
carry on celebrate
consider delay
deny detest
discuss don’t mind
dread fail
fancy feel like
forget give up
intend keep (on)
loathe long
look forward to manage
mourn offer
oppose order
permit plan
postpone put off
quit recall
recollect recommend
refuse remember
resent restart
resume seem
start suggest
support talk about
teach tell
think about train
volunteer want
would like yearn
Check with the suggested answers.
Suggested answers
Verbs with the same meaning and the same verb pattern
abhor/ can’t stand/ detest/ loathe
allow/ permit
appear/ seem
carry on/ keep (on)
consider/ think about
delay/ postpone/ put off
discuss/ talk about
fancy/ feel like
give up/ quit
intend/ plan
long/ yearn
offer/ volunteer
order/ tell
recall/ recollect
recommend/ suggest
restart/ resume
teach/ train
want/ would like
Verbs with the same meaning and the same two verb patterns
begin/ start
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same verb pattern
admit/ deny
agree/ refuse
appreciate/ resent
can’t stand/ don’t mind
celebrate/ mourn
dread/ look forward to
fail/ manage
give up/ keep (on)
oppose/ support
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same two verb patterns (with the same changes in meaning between them)
forget/ remember
Brainstorming stage
Without looking above for now, write words which match each section next to each word below. Some have more than one answer. Answers not above may also be possible.
Verbs with the same meaning and the same verb pattern
carry on
think about
put off
talk about
feel like
give up
Verbs with the same meaning and the same two verb patterns
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same verb pattern
can’t stand
look forward to
give up
Verbs with opposite meanings and the same two verb patterns (with the same changes in meaning between them)
Use the list of mixed verbs to help, then check with the suggested answers. Other answers may be possible, so please check if you wrote something different.
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