Ordering products on the phone- line by line disappearing text
A fun memory game to help memorise typical phrases for making orders by telephone, including useful language for starting calls, checking/ clarifying, and ending calls.
Lesson Plan Content:
Ordering products on the phone line by line disappearing text
Read out the whole conversation below, with one person as the caller, and the other person as both reception and the receiver. When you finish, cover the last two lines of the conversation (or make them white if you are working with an electronic copy). Swap roles, read through the part of the conversation that you can still see, then complete the conversation from memory or your own ideas.
Cover two more lines, change roles again, then read and complete the conversation like before (but with a longer missing part). Continue covering more and more lines until the teacher stops you or you have covered the whole text. You can change anything you like in the covered part of the conversation, for example you can
- change names
- change products
- change order numbers
- change answers (changing a positive answer to a negative one, etc)
- change small talk questions and answers
- change who ends the conversation
Ask about anything which you replaced and are wondering if it is okay, etc.
Roleplay similar ordering on the phone situations, with no help if possible.
Reception: Good afternoon. YC Technology. How can I help you?
Caller: Good afternoon. This is Clive Patrull from BHH. Can I speak to Rosa Barrera, please? |
Reception: Of course. I’ll connect you.
Caller: Thanks.
Receiver: Hello. Rosa Barrera speaking.
Caller: Hi Rosa. It’s Clive. Clive Patrull.
Receiver: Hi Clive. How’s it going?
C: Great, thanks. Life’s almost back to normal after Covid. How about you? How’s business? |
Receiver: Pretty good. Our new product is getting more and more popular.
Caller: Great. Anyway, I’m calling about your laptops. Can I order some more?
Receiver: Of course. Can you tell me the order code?
Caller: Yes, it’s 9082WB. I’d like seven, please.
Receiver: Sorry, can you say that again more slowly?
Caller: Of course. It’s 9,oh,8,2, W for window, B for ball.
R: I’m sorry, the 9082WB is out of stock. We have the 9071WV, but it’s a little more expensive. |
Caller: Can I check the price?
Receiver: It’s $317 each.
Caller: Sorry, did you say seventeen or seventy?
Receiver: SevenTEEN, one seven.
Caller: That’s fine, seven 9071WV laptops, please. So, I think that’s all for now, thanks.
Receiver: Great. Can you confirm your order by email?
Caller: Sure, I’ll email you later today. Thanks for your help. Goodbye.
Receiver: Thanks for calling. Bye.
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