Silent Letters Storytelling Activity
Telling stories with words with silent letters.
Lesson Plan Content:
Silent letters storytelling activity
Take turns continuing a story using at least one word from below each time, numbering them as you use them. Your teacher will tell you which section or sections to use.
Try to remember your story (with and or without looking at the numbered words).
Tell your story to another group, then they will tell it back to you and/ or to another group.
Ask about any words which you couldn’t use, weren’t sure how to pronounce, etc.
Draw brackets around the silent letter in each word below in the section(s) that you used before, for example “bisc(u)it”.
Level 1
- autumn
- biscuit
- build/ built
- climb
- Christmas
- cupboard
- island/ isle
- know/ knew/ knowledge
- knife
- listen
- receipt
- sandwich
- scissors
- Wednesday
- what
- when
- where
- which
- white
- who
- why
- wrap/ wrapping/ wrapped
- write/ wrote
- wrong/ wronged/ wrongful
Level 2
- bomb
- castle
- champagne
- exhibition
- foreign/ foreigner
- ghost/ ghoul/ wraith
- guard/ guardian
- handkerchief
- handsome
- iron
- knee/ kneel
- muscle
- plumber
- scene/ scenery/ scenic
- thumb
- whale
- while
- wrestle/ wrestling
Level 3
- acquaintance
- debt/ debtor
- doubt/ doubtful
- exhausted/ exhaustion
- fascinated/ fascinating
- fasten
- knapsack
- knight
- knock
- knot
- rhino/ rhinoceros
- sword
- tomb
- vehicle
- wheel
- whistle
- wrist
Level 4
- asthma
- crumb
- cologne
- descend
- diarrhoea/ diarrhea
- exhilarated/ exhilarating
- heir/ heirloom
- leopard
- pneumonia
- pseudonym
- psychic
- rendezvous
- scent
- silhouette
- whoever
Level 5
- ascend/ ascent
- catacomb
- debris
- feign
- ghastly
- glisten/ glistening
- gnarly
- gnash
- gnat
- gnaw
- hasten
- knackered
- knickknack
- knuckle
- limb
- numb
- rhubarb
- rustle
- vehement/ vehemently
- wrath
- wreck
- wriggle
- wring/ wrung
Missing silent letters practice
Without looking above, correct the words below by rewriting them with the silent letters in.
Level 1
- autum
- biscit
- bild/ bilt
- clim
- Chrismas
- cuboard
- iland/ ile
- nowledge
- nife
- lisen
- receit
- sanwich
- sissors
- Wenesday
- wich
- wite
- rong/ ronged/ rongful
Level 2
- bom
- casle
- champane
- exibition
- forein/ foreiner
- gost/ goul
- gard/ gardian
- hankerchief
- hansome
- nee/ neel
- musle
- plumer
- sene/ senery/ senic
- thum
- wale
- restle/ restling
Level 3
- aquaintance
- det/ detor
- dout/ doutful
- exausted/ exaustion
- fasinated/ fasinating
- fasen
- napsack
- nock
- rino/ rinoceros
- sord
- veicle
- weel
- wistle
- rist
Level 4
- crum
- colone
- desend
- diarroea/ diarrea
- exilarated/ exilarating
- eir/ eirloom
- lepard
- neumonia
- seudonym
- sychic
- silouette
- hoever
Level 5
- asend/ asent
- catacom
- debri
- fein
- gastly
- glisen/ glisening
- narly
- nash
- nat
- naw
- hasen
- nackered
- nuckle
- lim
- num
- rubarb
- rusle
- veement/ veemently
- rath
- reck
- riggle
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